Shot 28

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Sorry for the late update.

Khushi was sitting on her bed scrolling through her Instagram and smiled seeing all the good reviews and comments about their diversity project.

It took her and the team a month to assemble all the models including the auditions and the photoshoots and like that it was all done.

Even before the magazine's could hit the shelves, it has already been sold out and extras had to be made.

Because of this, the stocks of AR and sells of outfits has quadrupled in a span of a month bringing in millions and Arnav made sure everyone had their fair share of the profits.

Her relationship with Arnav has become more intense and has grown to a height that they both knew that it was time to tie the knot.

Over the past two months,life has been great for the whole family.

Nk after a lot fear of being rejected proposed to Rohi a month ago and they are officially dating and so did Aman who also proposed to Preeto.

Payal was now six weeks pregnant and she and Akash are so happy to be parents.

Garima and Arvind also went on a two weeks honeymoon to the Maldives, Goa and South Africa.

It was a surprise gift form the children to them and they had just returned three days ago.

As for the villains, Lisa was sentenced to eighteen years in prison for attempted kidnapping, fraud and embezzlement of fund from AR and after further investigation, it was discovered she had not only defrauded AR but multiple people whom come forward and testified against her.

Sudhadra Malik was sentenced to two years in prison because of the good lawyer Arvind had hired for her and she was gradually coming out of her depression thanks to doctors hired by Garima for her.

Nani, Mami and Manohar were also living the worse of lives because of the taunts they always got from the neighbors and friends all because of Anjali's rude and disrespectful character.

Anjali has become more and more bitter since she was discharged from the hospital a month ago and constantly seeing the success of AR and Arnav and khushi's pictures together with the family and friends made her angry and to add salt to her wound, her scar and eye patch has made her look like a monster and she was always mocked everywhere she goes.

The family knew about this but didn't know what to do to help her anymore.

Delhi Women's Prison.

"She is getting out of control Subhi...... Am afraid she will do something to hurt Arnav or Khushi because she blames them for what happened when I am the only one to be blamed. " Nani exclaimed in concern to Sudhadra Malik whom she has come to visit.

Sudhadra sighed and held her hand to console her.

"Let me speak to her. " Sudhadra said to her and Nani looked at her surprised. "I can used my experience to advice her to be better, don't forget I was also once like her...... I let my jealousy ruin a good life I could have had if I had married the man who really loved me instead of chasing my best friend's husband. "

"If she didn't listen to me, what makes you think she would listen to you? " Nani asked and Sudhadra sighed.

"We have to try before it ruins her....... Ask her to met me today and if possible tell her I can convince Arvind to pay for her plastic surgery and give her some money...... Even though he is mad at me, he still is helping me. " Sudhadra replied and Nani nodded.

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