Part 30

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Months Later.

Arvind entered a room and tears rolled down his cheeks seeing his wife holding this little miracle.

Garima had gone to labour in the middle of the night and she was rushed to the hospital by him and Arnav while the others followed behind.

After five hours of contractions, Garima was finally dilated and ready to push and Arvind never left her side.

After half an hour of pushing, the baby finally crown and Arvind was so eager to see it and he rushed to it but was shocked by the sight that he fainted.

Garima forgot herself for a moment as she burst out into laughter seeing an unconscious Arvind being surrounded by the other doctors.

He was shifted to another room for him to regain consciousness as Garima finally pushed out their little miracle baby weighing seven pounds thirteen ounces and nineteen inches long.

Garima smiled at him and he walked up to them sat by them.

Garima looked pale but was glowing which made her even younger.

She handed their little miracle to Arvind who happily took her and kissed her cute button nose and they both looked so happy.

And that's how Arnav and the others found them.


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"Chiku...... Come see your baby sister...... I know you have already seen her but come let's do it together. " Arvind exclaimed joyfully.

"Neither he nor any of them had seen or touched her. " Garima revealed and he was taken aback. "They all wanted you to be the first to see her and hold her that's why they didn't come to see her. "

"We wanted you to have that honour first before we do. " Arnav continued and Arvind smiled looking so touched by their gesture.

Arnav moved closer to them and carried his little sister.

"Hi, cutie pie....... It's big brother..... I promise to always protect you love you and please forgive me for my foolish act...... I love you. " Arnav said and kissed her forehead and she gradually opened her eyes revealed her big brown orbs just like her brother. "Amma see..... She opened her eyes. "

Arnav handed her back to Garima who smiled at her.

"She looks just like you but has my eyes just like chiku. " Arvind said to Garima who nodded.

"What are you going to name her? " Khushi who was sitting by Garima asked and Arvind and Garima looked at each other and back to her.

"Adriti..... Adriti Singh Raizada." Garima revealed and she smiled at the baby and tapped her nose gently.

"Just like Goddess Durga. " Khushi said but Garima and Arvind shook their head no making all of them frown and confused.

"It's a combination of Adarsh Bhai and Kriti didi's name. " Garima revealed shocking Khushi and his eyes teared up with tears of joy.

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