The murder on the train

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Author note: sorry this is short, I don't want to give everything away in one chapter.

I walked onto the scene of the murder. In the middle of the hallway in the train was a bloodied corpse. The throat was slashed and torn. "I'm assuming the weapon was a knife" I told my fellow investigators. There was something strange though... There were ink splatters surrounding the body. I noted it down on my notebook. "Why are we letting an eleven year old do this?" I heard one of the policemen ask another. I decided to ignore them. "Make sure nobody enters this carriage, and don't touch the body or go near it" I commanded. I walked away from the body carrying my notebook with me and heaved open the door to the next carriage, startling the passengers.

The passengers rose as I strode to the centre of the carriage. "Are any of you aware of the murder in the next carriage?" I asked. Everyone had a frightened expression, everyone except for one boy. "You, boy. Come here" I demanded. He walked over to me and stood staring at me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the carriage where the murder scene was. "You don't seem like a frightened dimwit, so you can help me with this case". The boy nodded. "What's your name?" He asked. I fell silent for a moment, then replied "Merri, just Merri". I crouched down to the body and put on my examination gloves, and passed round some spares.

I reached for the body's neck where it was torn. Gloopy solutions of blood still oozed out. I decided to leave it alone and went onto the ink which surrounded the dead man. It was definitely unusual. I touched the dark blue liquid and peered closely at it on my finger. One word came into mind. "Kaimonde" I murmured.

MurderousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon