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Livia's POV

That only person in your life who was important to you.

The one you won't be able to hate or love.

It's all cause of an event happened over in a second.

A second was enough to break people's trust.

You can go back from friends to enemies or maybe enemies to friends.

It will take a second. Just a second.

My relationship with Zane is similar.

We are so close yet too distant.

We couldn't like or befriend each other.

The only thing that holding us together is the word hate.

I couldn't bring myself.

It took me a second to lose my trust in him.

And still I trusted my life with Zane after our wedding.

I couldn't figure out or maybe I don't want to clear my mind what Zane is for me.

"Girl, I know you miss your husband. Please don't spoil our mood", Mom's teasing voice brought me out of trance.

It's our day two in our vacation. The first day I found enjoying the city. Now I'm trapped with Zane's rude behaviour.

Zane ditched me for his upcoming project.

Mom and Dad too joined us.

We are currently in our yacht having drinks enjoying the company of the ocean.

Alex is giving me company.

V is having some issues with my brother and they are clearing out for last two days.

V is keeping me off from information.

I don't know why it's really annoying when my best friend keeps something from me.

It's kinda itching my back.

I have to give her the privacy. Yeah..privacy my ass.

If she keeps me off for two more days,I'm going to throw her in this ocean and feed her off to the shark.

"Stop it mom", I groaned as her smirk was getting too wider.

"How was life with Zane?", Mom asked extending a wine glass to me.

"I don't know mom", I answered honestly.

She looked  surprised my answer

"Zane is different. He puts a hard facade to other people and it melts away the next second when he sees us. He looks entirely different mom. He seems like a stranger to me", I answered without realising my words.

"He can be confusing", mom smiled widely.

I should stop thinking about that jerk.

I remembered our conversation.

Our arguement.

"I'm busy. You can enjoy your vacation".

Is he serious?

He didn't come home for last two days and he is ditching me over a phone call.

"You egoistic jerk. I hate you", I ended the call.

I have been calling him for last two days to ask him when he is joining us and he ghosted my calls.

I'm in no mood to visit his company after what happened last time.

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