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Livia's POV

I was alarmed when I heard a gun shot.


I ran downstairs as Zane was showering.

"Livia Simmons, come downstairs right now", I was petrified with the voice.

I was scared.

There stood my dad with gun pointed on grandpa as Lily looked very scared.

My dad looked liked he would tear off the world if his daughter could not appear infront of him.

"Dad...", I called out in fear.

My dad is over protective and his reaction is expected.

When I was 15 and some girls pushed me accidentally leaving me scraping my knees, he was there with this gun,pointing it on poor girls.

I hate this over protective character of his.

The only thing I hate is this behaviour of my dad.

Otherwise he is sweet.

He can be unbearable.


"Put your gun down dad", securities were already pointing the gun on my dad's head as he held his against grandpa's head.

Are they filming a movie?

"We are going home", hearing him I gasped.

No, No this is not happening.

"Listen...Andrew..", grandpa called him silently.

"Let's go little one", he dropped his gun grabbing my hands.

"Dad, stop it. I'm okay. Let's talk this out", I called out in small voice as I was really scared of his behaviour.

"Not here. We will talk this in our home", with that he dragged me as I sighed.

I should wait until dad calms down.

"Dad..please..stop behaving like a terrorist. Let's talk this calmly", I said in silent voice as I'm in verge breaking mentally.

"Get in the car Livia", he literally made me sit in the car as he drove to home.

My hands turned into fist.

I wanted to settle this problem but dad made a big scene and now it was even difficult.

He got me down and locked me up in my room.

I expected this.

When my head hit bed,I was fearing that dad would not let me out.

"What the hell are you doing Andrew? Open the damn door now", my mom's voice made me sigh in relief.

"Stop it Andrea. You have no rights on my daughter", he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh...I have no rights on my baby daughter I had in my womb for ten months and raised her for 23 years. When you just lasted for a few minutes inside me,claiming her as she is yours alone", I gasped hearing my mom.

Savage Andrea.

"Did you just..", dad started.

"Shut the hell up and open the damn door or you will not like what I do", she gave no time to dad,messing up his brain with his love for her.

"What will you do?", Dad challenged her.

Dad must have known the truth and he must be mad at mom for hiding the truth from him as he thought me falling off from cliff was an accident.

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