Chapter- 32

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Livia's POV

Rushing out, I phoned V.

"Hey Liv, you are damn right. Char is really funny...", V sang on other side making me laugh a little.

"Livia? Liv? Where are you?", She must have noticed my miserable state. I missed V.

"Where are you?", I asked to not to break down.

"In our regulars. Can you drive? I will come to you", she urged as I heard shuffling sound behind.

"No, I will be there in ten minutes", I replied ending the call driving to the place.

When I reached the cafe, I saw V and Char looking at me worried. Getting inside, I dashed into someone. A faint smell of chocolates invaded me..ignoring I went to our table.

"Liv? Baby what happened?", V made me sit while Char extended a glass of water to me.

Smiling at Char thankfully, I took a sip.

"What's wrong?", V asked as I just shook my head.

"Tell me", she insisted as I sighed remembering the events happened.

My heart throbbed in pain.

"I heard Zane's past from Zane. It hurts V. It hurts like a bitch in my heart. My Zane...he has gone through lot of unwanted stuffs. His life was full of darkness and seeing him in pain making me go crazy as he did not deserve any of those things. He is strong. I have never seen someone as strong as him..", I vented out my sadness, anger and frustration.

Anger at his mother. Frustrated by his family who let a five year old one to grow up on his own with his demons to battle.

"We all know Zane is strong and powerful. It's okay Liv. It's all in past. Now he has you. You can make more happy memories with him to cherish it together", V smiled as Char nodded at me.

"Yes, I'm going to make him happy V. I wanted to make all things he would like and never let him go", I mumbled to myself.

"That's my girl", V patted my head as she was next to me while Char was seated opposite to us.

But my tears flowed down.

"Liv, Is there something else you wanted us to know?", Char asked carefully as I was crying non-stop.

"I confessed to him and...I asked him..Do you love me? And he said...No", I cracked at the end finding no voice.

"What?", They both gasped at my words.

"He told me, I am his future, I am his happiness, I am the only one keeping him Sane. If this is not love to him and what would it be V?", I asked mad at Zane's actions.

"That Zane..he is impossible", V snapped angrily.

"He don't trust Love,V. He has his own reasons to do that and it's scaring me he would let himself to eaten by betrayals and pains", I said as I remembered the look on Zane's face.

He looked torn, disheartened, a child lost in world trying to find his home.

"You should try harder then. I know it's not easy. Still you have to try as you love him", Char told looking sad.

I felt like a complete bitch as I'm talking about the boy she likes in front of her.

"I'm sorry Char", I apologized feeling guilty.

"Oh come on Livia Simmons, Zane was my crush and that's all. I would love to see him happy even though it's not me. I know his happiness was you and that's why I was mad at you in my teens. I must be crazy", she laughed at the memory.

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