Starting Training

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The next day, as Izuku watches his mother wake up, he glitches a slight bit as clothes cover him, and he gets ready for his time at UA.

"C'mon Izuku. Let's go to UA, and get your excitement under control."

Giggling along to his mother exasperation, the green bean bounces between 20 applications, tweaking and approving designs the inventor sent him.


Sending a quick text, saying he had to go for a day, the inventor sends back a thumbs up, and a note telling Izuku to stay safe as technopath quirks were becoming more mainstream.

Sending a thumbs up back, Izuku prepares a green beacon to place at UA, and goes into Inko's phone, which she was just about to place in her bag.

Entering the game apps, Izuku starts to entertain himself as he waits for his mom to drive to UA, as Izuku was banned from just going there after giving Power Loader a scare of a lifetime that his and Nezu's servers were hacked.

"So what should I tell Nezu? I can't just tell him yes or Nezu would think I'm being weird. I could prepare a script, but that seems overdone, and pointless. Maybe a riddle to tell him, but then he could just say that I'm not good enough with the riddle, and I shouldn't be his student. Maybe I should just show him strength? That's not going to help unless I can have a mechanical body I can control, nor can I show any of my prowess that way. Maybe I-"

"You're mumbling again Izuku. You're going to run my phone out of storage at this rate."

Inko slightly smiles as Izuku looks down at the notepad app he didn't realize he went on, and sees he wrote out his entire mumble spree there, and with his thoughts still racing, it's still going.

Forcing himself to stop writing, Izuku slightly blushes as he deletes the note, while Inko slightly giggles as she got it all on video. 

'This going to be a problem. Is there someplace I can mumble without going into the notepad?'

As he's thinking this, Izuku again, opens another note, but seeing it stop, Inko gives her input.

"How about the electro-sphere? I think you could go there without opening another app."

Nodding along, Izuku leaves a note saying 'Just ring me with the tracker when you arrive', then disappears off the screen while leaving behind a small line of code to let him watch through the camera.

Going into the electro-sphere, his mind first wanders to the name, as the screen globe would be more fitting, so not having enough gives to care, he just goes with what his mind is saying, allowing his thoughts to go back to where they were before.

As his mind races, and endless amount of thoughts come and go as he thinks, not realizing the time that went by. As he's thinking, his thought process is cut off by his tracker beeping, signaling him that his mom had arrived at UA.

Going back to her phone, Izuku takes in the view of UA again as a gate to a new future, one to a road of not-so-legal shenanigans, and a better way to control his quirk.

"Let's get you to Nezu Izuku. He's been waiting."

Seeing the computer in Nezu's office glowing, Izuku enters, and is again, met with another firewall swarm.

Looking up, he sees a message. 

''This army's been amped based on previously shown abilities. The main reason you could survive that long last time was because of discharging electricity, so lets see how you do without it'. I guess he took away the electric weakness?'

Seeing if this was true, Izuku launched a lightning spear at the closest drone, only to see the electricity arcing around the bot, but not frying it.

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