Against His Own

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Izuku dodged the thrown punch, and backpedaled from the Izuku clone. His eyes lingered on the his copied figure. He wanted to admire Inventors work, since even his clones couldn't become sentient. This one however, was. It was also going to beat his ass if he didn't beat it up first.

Wanting to test the abilities Inventor coded in, Izuku's smile widened as his eyes glinted in a dangerous light. Clone Izuku, did the same. Both crouched down, and they pulled on separate quirks. Izuku's left side bristled as hundreds of needles that looked like shards of jade sprouted up. His right as well burst into flame, cracking and glowing, looking like lava. The clone Izuku huffed before burning obsidian gauntlets with gold-tipped claws covered his hands. His right held a flaming bone-white desert eagle, and his left held a shield with a golden lion head embedded within it. 

Willing the needles to fly off, a large spike constructed itself nearly instantly as Izuku sent floods of the needles at the clone. The clone however, wasn't amused. His shield sprouted 3 blades as he charged at the tsunami of needles bearing down at him. Shooting his gun a few times, it seemingly did nothing before he crashed straight into the wave. taking away his shield and gauntlets right before doing so.

As the needles converged on him, Izuku wondered if something went wrong, but he could still see movement from the ever-growing mass of needles, so he knew the clone was still alive. His assumption was confirmed the moment beams of light began to emerge from within the large pile. "TRY AND BEAT ME!" 

Screaming in its digitally synthesized voice, the clone rose out of the ashes with a set of electric wings, and a few balls of electricity crackling dangerously in his hands. "COME AND GET SOME!" Throwing the lightning balls, they flew over Izuku before slamming into the ground, in what could only be called an artificial lightning strike.

Izuku let out a feral grin as his flaming side created a giant flaming hand, his needle-covered side doing the same with a giant hand made of needles. Jumping up, a few dozen needles under his feet caried him to his clones level. Interlocking his hands as he rose, he slammed them down together on the clones head. "GET TO THE GROUND WHERE YOU BELONG!"

Kicking off his needles, Izuku charged at the clone, dropping his current quirk in favor of the next. Seeing him coming, the clone dropped the electric wings quirk, literally pulling a pair of blades out of his arms to use, before their edges burst into plasma. Mere meters from the clone, Izuku grinned before summoning his quirk, causing golden chainsaws to sprout from the equally golden carapace that surrounded his arms.

Slamming into the clone at full force, the twin chainsaws to grind against the summoned blades. Sparks flew as Izuku found his foothold and began to push against the clone. However, he wasn't done just yet. Kicking Izuku in the abdomen, the clone pushed him away before tossing the now destroyed blades. "Why don't we stop holding back?"

Staring at the clone before smiling, Izuku's hand began crackling in lightning. "I thought you'd never ask." Firing a beam of concentrated lightning, Izuku began cycling through quirks while he kept the lightning beam going. The clone, smiled before summoning hundreds of mirrors, and they quickly began to absorb the lightning Izuku was releasing.

Finding his quirks, Izuku released the lightning beam, and in a moment, summoned nearly a dozen oddly shaped bottles, all of them containing glowing liquids of some kind. Smashing them on the ground around himself, Izuku smiled as he activated everything. Izuku's eyes turned purple as his veins glowed red. To top it off, a pair of brilliant emerald gauntlets fit around his hands, and he charged at speeds he should've have been able to take.

The clone, smiled before activating his own quirks. Glowing blue disks surrounded him as 3 glowing angels descended behind him all clad in blinding white armor, each carrying maces and shields. The clone as well grew a thick layer of bones over their skin, adding spikes as it did.

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