10: Night To Remember Pt. 2

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"I want to know everything." Jun said with a smile, "But I want a fair trade. Something like, what type of locks does U.A have, are there levels of clearance or can anyone go anywhere? Maybe what teachers are in one spot at any given time. That sort of stuff would work.". 

Midoriya looked at him nervously. "You make it sound like you want to break into U.A." He said, only half joking. Jun just smirked and opened his mouth to answer. Before he could though, Katsuki put his drink back down on the table and stood up. Without any hesitation he grabbed Jun by his shirt collar and hauled him away from the table. 

"Where are we going?" The villain asked, genuinely confused. "Bathroom." Bakugou gritted out. They left Midoriya sitting at the table alone looking more than a little shaken up. 

"What was that for?" Jun demanded, shaking Bakugou off and pushing him into the wall outside the washrooms. 

"That," The hero student said through gritted teeth, "was for you trying to tell him you're a league member.".

"Why shouldn't he know?" Jun asked. "Lying to him isn't any more heroic than tricking him into giving me information about U.A.". Katsuki looked more ticked off at that. 

"That doesn't mean he needs to know. Stop asking about U.A or he'll figure it out." Bakugou said, leaning against the wall he had been pushed into. Jun raised an eyebrow. 

"And how am I going to get my payment then? You think I'll tell you where to find the kid for free? I knew baby heroes were naïve but this is a whole other level of-" "I'll do something for you." Katsuki interrupted. 

Jun tilted his head to the side curiously. He took two steps until he was nearly pressed against Katsuki. "Oh?" He said, making sure his voice was lower than before. "What's could you do to pay for the information that would also make me keep my mouth shut around Izuku?". 

Katsuki could feel Jun's breath ghosting his cheek. Despite them being pretty much the same height it felt like Jun was towering over him. Thing is, Katsuki didn't really have a plan of what to do for Jun to keep him off of Izuku. 

He felt heat rise in his cheeks as he considered all his options. This could go horribly wrong. They were just teenagers after all, they might not have the same motivations as the people in the movie Bakugou saw last night. But still...the movie seemed to be all he could remember, so he did what happened there. 

Jun was beyond shocked when instead of punching him Katsuki's arms looped around his neck, tugging him in impossibly closer to the U.A student until they were flush against each other. He raised an eyebrow at the boy. Was Katsuki trying to do what Jun had tried during Kamino? 

But that wasn't the question Jun really wanted to ask. What he really wanted to ask himself was 'is it working?'. 

"So what, I get some bits of info on U.A and you?" He asked, his false confidence bleeding to real. Katsuki swallowed audibly. His face was bright red and Jun could see in the way he avoided Jun's eyes that he was serious about this. The villain let out a breathless laugh. 

"Stop fucking laughing." Katsuki hissed, "I'm not doing this shit because I fucking want to.". He just wanted to save that girl. Even if he wasn't on the investigation team, losing her would still be a loss. Katsuki couldn't lose, heroes always won.

"Then I wont do it either." Jun said simply, taking a step back. 

"What?" "If you're not 100% on board, then I'm not going to touch you. I'm a villain, not a creep." Jun said simply. 

"Its a damn shame though." The villain continued. "I dressed up all pretty just to get you to blush tonight.".

 Something stirred low in Katsuki's stomach. Not butterflies, far to heavy for that. It was something a little more sinister. Like the sinking feeling you get when something goes wrong but in a...good way? 

"I'll do it." Katsuki said quickly. So quickly in fact he wasn't sure Jun would hear it, but he did. 

"That's not what you should be saying, Katsuki." Jun said, getting closer again until his arms were on either side of Katsuki's body and his mouth was right against the hero student's ear. 

Katsuki shivered. He took a deep breath, asked himself a few questions then turned so he could look Jun in the eye. "I want to do it.". 

-------- -------- ------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 

Midoriya was shocked when the two reappeared slightly flushed with their clothes askew. He was far too innocent to suspect anything. 

But he was more shocked when Jun simply handed him the slip of paper detailing the building's address and where Eri was relative to the main rooms. It still surprised the hero student that Jun knew any of this in the first place, but he wasn't really in place to. 

"You're just giving it to me?" Midoriya asked. Jun nodded. "Katsuki and I have reached an agreement so you wont have to tell me anything. You should probably go home now anyways.". 

Without question Midoriya stood up to leave. He didn't want to hang around a place like this longer than he had to. It could ruin his reputation as a hero student. 

The trio reached the door and started towards the nearest bus stop. It was only 9:30 ish, so the U.A students would still have time to go home. Or U.A student, as Izuku noticed immediately that Bakugou didn't come to stand beside him to wait for the bus. 

"Kacchan?" He asked, a bit nervous. Katsuki didn't seem that bothered though. 

"I'm not going back to the campus tonight." He said simply. Jun smirked and curled his hand around the blonde's waist. 

"Are you staying with your parents?" Izuku asked, still confused. Jun tried to resist the urge to laugh at how precious Midoriya was but held it in. 

"Something like that." Katsuki mumbled before he and Jun waved goodbye. "I'm staying around here." Jun said, "Just one block that way.". 

The immediate tension just that statement brought down on them was palpably. Every beating of his head, every breathy he took in, Katsuki felt like Jun could hear them all. He felt sweaty and a little lightheaded, whether that was from Jun or the sips of alcohol he had he didn't know. 

-------- -------- ------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 

Jun didn't know how he had looked at Bakugou and thought he would be too scared to make the first move. Maybe it had been when he got flustered pushed against the wall. 

Well in any regard, he had been wrong. The moment the door clicked shut behind them Katsuki had him pinned against the wall, their bodies pressed close together. Bakugou only took a moment to stare at the villain before they were kissing. 

If Jun had to describe his first kiss, it'd probably be desperate. There was something there-a longing just beneath the skin. The feeling was like nothing Jun had felt before. 

'I could get used to this'


Damn this is my first horny scene ever. I hope it went okay, I don't really know how to write about this sort of stuff. 

Don't worry, we're not in for a massive time skip in chapter 11, so there'll be more where this came from. 

(P.S. Bakugou is not the only romantic interest in this story. Do with this information what you will) 

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