13: Deep Fake

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Midoriya was beginning to wonder if this was really Jun. 

When Kacchan had let him into their area for setting things up, he had been prepared for the dark and distinctive clothing Jun had been wearing the last time they met. Instead, he showed up in light grey pants, an oversized pink sweater and a pale green bucket hat. He was even wearing glasses. Even his hair had changed colour, it was blonde now. 

It didn't really make sense. His face was the same and so were his piercings but this time he introduced himself as Seiji. 

Katsuki had introduced him to the class as an 'extra that won't leave me the fuck alone'. Midoriya on the  other hand was pretty sure they were close. They hung out at those-adult-places after all, you have to have a lot of trust in someone to take them there underage. 

But he couldn't even say that because no one would believe Jun had ever seen alcohol in his life with how he looked now. They might not even believe that 'Seiji' and Jun were the same person at all. 

"So how did you two meet?" Kaminari asked, looking Jun up and down, taking in his appearance. He didn't think Bakugou would have a friend like this, let alone introduce them to the class. 

"We-" "Don't answer that." Katsuki interjected. Jun pouted. "But he asked! They should know, besides, its really funny." He insisted. There was something there, just under the innocent expression on Jun's face that was teasing Bakugou. It was taunting him with the fact he had asked Jun for help. Dancing around the idea of revealing how they truly met. 

But right now Jun was the one who needed him. He was relying on Katsuki for god knows what and Katsuki was throwing him a bone. "Alright then." He said, his voice full of mirth, "Tell them.". 

Jun lit up and turned to face Kaminari and a few other students that had come to say hi. "It was the day after Kamino. I was walking by the hospital and he ran right into me!" Jun said, his voice animated. "He said sorry, which shocks me now, but back then I didn't know he was allergic to being nice. We swapped  numbers when we ran into each other again.". 

Everyone just nodded and accepted the answer. Jun shot Bakugou a triumphant smile and the hero student gritted his teeth. He was going to make Jun do something really good to repay him for this shit. 

The hero student flushed at the thought of his last exchange with Jun. Maybe they would get further the next time? Was there a next time? 

"We have to start rehearsing now, but you're welcome to stay and watch." Jiro said with a smile. Katsuki was abruptly dragged out of his mind at the words. Jun accepted, of course he did.  

Katsuki gritted his teeth and went to find his drum sticks. 

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"You're hot when you play the drums." Jun whispered, his eyes full of glee as he did so. Katsuki chocked on his water. 

"Shut the fuck up!" He hissed under his breath. Jun just laughed innocently and smiled. 

"So, what school do you go to?" Momo asked, taking a drink from her own water bottle, oblivious to the hushed conversation. 

"I'm online right now. Some stuff-well lets just say there was a reason I was near the hospital." Jun said, his voice getting a little weak and trailing off near the end. There were a few wide eyes and a couple understanding nods. 

There was an awkward silence before the door to the gym opened. "I hope you're all working hard or this'll never get done." A familiar voice grumbled. 

Jun stiffened. Aizawa Shota or as he knew him, Eraserhead, was right behind him. He took a deep breath, desperately trying not to show his fear. He had changed enough about his appearance. He should be fine. Eraserhead hadn't even seen his whole face when they fought. And so what if he saw his eyes? Brown eyes were common as dirt in Japan. 

"Who's this kid?" He asked, coming close enough to their makeshift circle that he could see all of their faces. 

"That's Ota Seiji, Bakugou's boyfriend." Kaminari said, his voice teasing. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugou shouted, throwing his mostly full water bottle right at Kaminari's face. 

The teacher went still but his eyes remained on Jun. He was looking him up and down, searching for something. Jun knew what it was, so he gave the teacher what he wanted. He, very convincingly of course, fake laughed at Kaminari's comment, throwing his head back and causing the bucket had he was wearing to fall to the ground. 

Katsuki and Izuku watched this happen and had their breath caught in their throats. He didn't have horns. Mr. Aizawa seemed to almost relax at this. Maybe he was just driving himself crazy looking for Mizuno Jun. 

"He's not my fucking boyfriend." Katsuki grumbled, also not wanting Jun's cover to get blown. He was responsible for bringing him in here after all. 

"Whoever he is just make sure he doesn't get up to any trouble. And Kaminari, stop harassing him." The pro hero grumbled, turning around to leave the gym. Jun sighed quietly with relief then turned back to the group. 

"So, what are you guys doing for special effects?".

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When Jun arrived home Dabi laughed at him. 

"Oh my god! You're adorable! No-no keep pouting, I want pictures!" The burned villain said between hysterics. 

"Okay first off fuck you." Jun said, ruffling his own hair around. "I don't like this shit either but I need to earn their trust so they don't think its weird if they find me backstage.". 

Shigaraki snickered evilly from the corner, pulling out his phone to take some picture of his own. This was blackmail material. 

"Laugh all you want." Jun said, walking up to his bedroom. "I'll just play some of the porn I found on your computer instead of your villain broadcast. See who's laughing then.". 

"You brat!" Shigaraki cursed. Toga doubled over laughing, unable to keep herself together any longer. 

"I'd better not have just heard the word porn." Kurogiri said, walking into the room holding a dish of something with pink oven mitts. "Of course not, mom." Dabi grumbled to himself. 

The smoke villain would be glaring at them all if he could then, he sighed to himself. "Why can't we get one respectful member. I'm sick of these wannabe teenage thugs. Shigaraki, Dabi's officially banned from choosing future league members.". 

Jun just rolled his eyes fondly as he made it to the top of the stairs. He looked at his reflection in the hallway mirror and took a shaky breath. 

3 days. That was how long there was until the cultural festival and how many days the quirk that removed his horns would last. If the bastard who's quirk it was hadn't asked for such a high price in exchange for helping them he would go every 3 days so he'd never have to see them again. 

Hanging around 1-A with a horn free head of hair had seemed so-normal. It was like the life he never had. Jun bit his lip. 

He didn't want to leave the league, he would never. But sometimes he wondered what it would be like if he was normal and hadn't been bullied. 

He would never leave. But he wondered. 


Another chapter! Sorry for the delay, writing for Because is a little wild this early on in its story line! 

I'm so hyped for the next arc of this book, although its gonna be a little sad, so bare with me. 

Stay Tuned! 

Try-Hard (BNHA x Male OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara