Epilogue-Will You Still Hold Me

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Bakugou wasn't exactly excited for the class trip. It was a chance to train and to gain experience working in rural areas and with snow, but he wanted to work in the city. He had no use for this shit. 

Still, Aizawa had insisted that all of 3-A go and had gotten permission from all of their parents. It was their first big trip since the training camp and everyone was cautiously optimistic. 

"You look distracted, Bakugou." Kirishima said, observant as ever. Katsuki grunted. "Its not going to end with you getting kidnapped again, you know. The league hasn't been active since the statue incident and you're way too strong for anyone to kidnap anyways!". 

He knew Kirishima was trying to cheer him up, but mentioning the league did the opposite. That whole part of his life felt like a haze. Like after going through that portal he had been transported to an entirely different world and only came back when U.A was rebuilt. 

The league had planned it quite well. Destroy everyone's trust in U.A and destroy the symbol of peace by retiring him. Then they had destroyed U.A and killed the principal. Made them rebuild their school inside and out. Forced them to correct their mistakes. The statue was the end of that plan. Riots started after that. Demanding justice not just for the heroes killed by Todoroki Touya and Mizuno Jun but for the villains themselves and everyone featured on the tape. They wanted social programs, they wanted Todoroki Rei released from her mental hospital and they wanted Nezu's name wiped out of newspapers as anything other than a villain. 

They had gotten what they wanted and with Hound Dog, a trained teacher and mental health professional as the new U.A principal, things were running smoothly. Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki had become the big three as everyone expected them too. They held all the records ever set by U.A.

He had even fixed his relationship with his parents, deciding that he and his mother shouting at each other wasn't going to work anymore. They both struggled with being emotionally available for each other, but it was worth working at. 

Basically, Katsuki had everything he wanted. Almost at least. 

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"A test of courage?!" Deku said, his voice shocked. Mr. Aizawa nodded casually. 

"It helps build teamwork. Class 3-B has already set it up, so you can't back out now." The teacher said. Then his eyes landed on Bakugou. "Unless you think it will trigger something. This is about conquering your fears, not giving yourself a panic attack.". 

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "I'm not fucking fragile. Its a walk through the woods, what's the worst that could fucking happen? A Blizzard?" He spat. Okay, wrong choice of words. Very wrong choice of words. He coughed awkwardly, eyeing the group to make sure he hadn't offended anyone. His friends were facepalming, but they looked amused, not sad, so he supposed it was alright. 

Shinso. His partner was goddamn Shinso Hitoshi. What luck. Katsuki had to admit, it was better than Icy Hot, but still. He would have rather gone with Ashido, or Kaminari or Kirishima or really any of his actual friends. Not eye-luggage. 

"I don't like this either, you don't have to glare at me the entire time." Shinso said, glaring right back at Katsuki. The blonde rolled his eyes but averted them. There was nothing that glaring daggers into Shinso could do anyways. 

He decided to focus on the path ahead of them through the snowy woods instead. Honestly Katsuki had no idea why they would want to spend all this time outside in the cold just to scare a couple high schoolers. It didn't seem very rewarding, especially in winter. 

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