Chapter 13

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You know the feeling when you are tired but at peace with yourself? The feeling when you know how much ever tiring the day was the results of your work would be good.

That is what Anisha felt when she had completed notes on three files and shown them to her boss aka her husband. Abhimanyu had given her a ring to show him what she did for the day and she had entered nervously but when she was asked to tell him her thoughts. There was no going back.

She was in her element. Every fact, pros, cons and controversy was jotted down on the laptop. Abhimanyu had had many secretaries in the past but this one was just exceptional.

At the end Abhimanyu simply nodded and said, " Tomorrow onwards, we reach office at nine. You make me coffee and arrange my schedule. After that you come inside my cabin not later than ten and read my schedule, help me with the ongoing projects and reply to all the calls and mails in between. You may leave for now."

Anisha made a mental note of what all he said and finally it registered she was starting her job.

With a smile thrown at Abhimanyu she went back to her cabin and started arranging things the way she liked. Starting with her desk first.

An hour later when Abhimanyu knocked on her door she looked up from her sitting position in front of the bookshelf.

" Yes?"

" Ghar chale?" ( Let's go home.)

" Yes."

She finished the leftover and quickly collected her things and out they went.

" Where are bhai and dad?" She asked when she couldn't spot the two in the car.

" Bhai has gone with bhabhi to the doctor's and dad leaves early, remember?"

" Oh yes."

" So how was your first day?"

" So far it was good."

" I hope the answer doesn't change tomorrow." He chuckled and she joined in.

With a comfortable silence in the car did they reach their house and immediately Anisha was attacked by Daljeet asking her about the office and all.

" Koi tenu takleef diya to menu das, seedha kar dena hai ek ek nu!" ( If anybody troubles you let me know I will deal with them!)

Anisha chuckled, " Abhi tak sab changa si. Jab kuch hovega me aapnu bataungi." ( So far everything is good. If anything happens I'll let you know.)

" Maa, me fresh hoke aati hu uske baad khaana banati hu." ( Mom, I'll just freshen up and then start cooking.)

" No need ji. Maa ne aaj sab banake rakha hai. Wo bhi sab tera favourite! Just go and freshen up." ( Mom has cooked all your favourites)

Abhimanyu followed his wife to their room and was astonished to see his homely wife back that too within just five minutes!

" That must be record breaking speed at which you got changed!" He commented.

Anisha chuckled and shaked her head at him.

" Mr. MaanSingh I think you should know this by now that your wife doesn't waste much time when it comes to clothes!"

" Noted Mrs. MaanSingh."

Anisha nodded her head, " Well Mr. MaanSingh I seem to think you are a slow poke when it comes to getting freshened up!"

He laughed out loud and said, " Mrs. MaanSingh I ensure you that I'm definitely not a slowpoke but was distracted by your mighty presence here."

Anisha chuckled, " Mighty! You sure have a way with words Mr. MaanSingh! Now if you excuse me I have to go downstairs and arrange the table."

" See you in five." He called out after her.

They sure were making progress.

When Anisha arrived at the dining table she quickly started arranging the plates and the maids brought out the food. She was tempted to see what it was and took a glance.

The food in front of her was indeed all her favourite and smelled equally delicious. Oh how can she wait for others to arrive now that she had taken a whiff of the food!

" Chalo ji... Khaana khaate hai!" ( Come on let's eat food!), Supreet came in the dining room followed by his wife and elder son.

" Haa haa, Anisha bete call everybody." ( Yes, Yes), Daljeet quipped.

" Anisha mat karo energy waste sab aa gaye dekho.."  ( Don't waste energy everybody's here." said Anisha's sister-in-law.

Quickly the two young ladies plated the food and joined the family on the table.

" Anisha pehle tu chakh ke bata kaisa bana hai!"  ( Anisha, have a taste and tell me how is it!) Daljeet smiled.

Anisha nodding her head took first bite of the food and all the flavours exploded in her mouth. " Maa, this is very very tasty!"

Daljeet smiled and urged everybody else to follow.

Anisha smiled merrily at the food and had the most food ever since she had stepped in this house.

After dinner was done Anisha went to her room and started arranging things for tomorrow while Abhimanyu appeared busy staring at the laptop.

" Abhimanyu.."

His head jolted up and looked at his wife, " You finally called me by my name!"

Anisha blushed and stated, " Why are you staring at the laptop like that?"

" Oh I was just going through your notes looking for a few pointers."

Anisha nodded and made way towards wards the bed. She was tired and she didn't even cook dinner tonight! Tomorrow she has to do that as well. Gulping down the anxiety of how everything will happen she turned on her side and tried sleeping.

Abhimanyu looked at his sleeping wife and sighed, she was too tempting even without doing anything.

Sighing he gathered up his stuff and stuffed them into their places. He made a beeline towards the bed and hugged his wife from behind.

She was his own tranquility. His peace.

Anisha softened in his hold and together they drifted into the dreamless night.

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