Chapter 21

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Anisha Sharma and Anisha MaanSingh were the same person with different personalities.

Anisha had lost a lot of innumerable things/ emotions as Anisha Sharma and gained a few definite bonds when she became Anisha MaanSingh.

It was the same Anisha who was hard working, sincere and happy-go-lucky.

What changed?

She drifted into the stream of love.

She met a man, her boyfriend, they were batchmates. He proposed after the final exams and she said, " There is no harm in testing waters."

He had smiled and vowed to sweep her off her feet.

He had succeeded.

Not only in wooing her but also in stealing her virtue. She was happy.

Until, one day, when her father spotted her in a nursing home along with her boyfriend. He made the worst assumptions. He thought Anisha was pregnant with that boy, one he was never introduced to. He looked unworthy of his daughter. To top it all, he could smell the man to be not somebody who Anisha could put up with.

It was that day when he dragged his daughter by her wrist against her wishes, to their house. That day he broke the news to his wife and younger daughter and their trust upon Anisha shattered to bits. But it was not only their trust that was shattered that day Anisha's aspirations, dreams, family and confidence, her everything shattered down.

Within a week, she was made to resign and a man, a CEO came to meet her. His name was Abhimanyu MaanSingh. Just like that she was married to the CEO.

Anisha did not know what Abhimanyu and his family were told. Were they aware of her boyfriend? She did not know. First, she used to feel stressed, Abhimanyu would not talk to her unless necessary and his parents they were doing enough on their part, they were nice. Making her think were they nice because of her father or were they really unaware? She was tempted to ask but it was to be buried within.

Those six months had Anisha become what she is today. The timid Anisha who had become an ideal daughter-in-law.

" Anisha?"

" Yes?" She asked the darkness in the room.

Sighing Abhimanyu switched the light on and with the light her emotional state was illuminated. Teary face and pink nose, she was lying on the bed staring at him, wide eyed.

Abhimanyu took quick steps towards her and wiped those tears off, " Why are you crying?" He asked gruffly.

She patted the wet cheeks and then understood she was indeed crying, " I was thinking something and don't know when these even fell down."

Abhimanyu shaked his head unsatisfied, " You seem tired."

" Yes, I don't know when I fell asleep. How did I even land here on the bed?" She asked confused.

" I carried you." He simply answered.

" What! In broad daylight!" She squeaked.

" Yes, mom saw it too. She said ask her to rest."

" Oh my god. Abhimanyu you could have woken me up! I'm anyways not making food for the past two to three days and now this!"

Abhimanyu frowned. He was angry. "You were tired and needed sleep. I simply let you sleep."

" Yes but mummyji was angry with me in the morning and now this." She rubbed her head.

"Anisha, enough. I came here to fetch you downstairs. Have your dinner and then let's go meet my parents." He said with finality.

" What is the time?" She asked softly.

" It is ten in the night." He replied gruffly and pulled her by her wrists.

After making sure she had her dinner. Abhimanyu just asked her, " Are you confident of your decision?"

" I hope I can manage everything. Office, preparation and the house."

" Lets talk to the parents then." He nodded and made his way to the parents' room.

Supreet opened the door after two knocks. " What are you children doing here at this time?"

" Dad, we wanted to talk to you both." Abhimanyu said.

Supreet nodded and opened the door for them to enter. Daljeet was rubbing moisturizer on her skin when they entered the room. She frowned. She was still a bit angry on Anisha. She had repeatedly ditched her responsibilities since the last two days.

" What happened?" Daljeet asked.

" Mom, dad. I wanted to ask something." Abhimanyu started.

" Yes, what is it?" Supreet stated.

" Dad, were you aware that Anisha was married on the day of her entrance?" Abhimanyu asked.

Both Supreet and Daljeet were stunned.

" Betaji, aap ye Achanak kyu puch rahe ho?" ( Son, why so sudden?) Daljeet asked.

" Because she told me just last night. When I asked her about what she wanted to be?" Abhimanyu replied sincerely.

" Abhimanyu look your marriage was a sudden decision. Her father wanted her to get married within a week. We never discussed about this." Supreet replied sincerely.

" Do you understand dad that we indirectly played a part in destroying her aspirations?" Abhimanyu chided himself and his parents.

Anisha stood there silently observing the man she called her husband. She was undoubtedly indebted to him for even voicing out this things.

" Abhimanyu, we were never informed of what she wanted to do! Let alone think that she had an entrance on the day of your marriage!" Daljeet squeaked.

" Mom what if it was Surbhi? Would you give the same clarification?" Abhimanyu shouted.

" Abhimanyu, my Surbhi would never do anything like your wife! She is getting punished for her deeds! She sold the respect of her family in a nursing home! Is that my problem if her father decided to get her married? She should be grateful that I accepted her as my daughter-in-law and never made her feel any less." Daljeet declared.

" Congratulations mom. You just made her feel far lesser than ever!" Abhimanyu replied cooly.

" Anisha..." Before Daljeet could continue Anisha had tears falling down and she had run back to the room. Daljeet's words finally told her, they were aware.

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