45. Captain on Bridge (Sam)

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   This is the best morning in my life. The air is fresh and cool. Birds are singing outside. Henry is crowing loudly and flapping his wings somewhere in the backyard, gathering the ladies for breakfast. The smell of fresh coffee and pancakes reminds me of the time when I was a teen, and this was the only thing that could make me crawl out of bed and start preparing for school.

   I turn to the left and smile so wide that my face starts to hurt. There is an angel sleeping next to me. Alec's curls have spread like a halo around his flushed face. His lips are as red as a spring rose and slightly parted. There's a large hickey on his neck, right behind the ear. That makes me particularly proud. He is glued to my forearm, snoring in the cutest way possible. A trickle of drool runs from the corner of his mouth onto my biceps, where he has buried his nose. His hair is so disheveled that I doubt he will be able to comb it. In fact, I don't remember him ever succeeding in doing it. I adore every tiny bit of him.

   I reach to stroke his head but then decide that it's better to let him sleep and only slightly shift to adjust the arm he is clinging to since it is a little stiff. I can watch him all day, my perfect boyfriend. I am one lucky bastard, ain't I? Life is good!

   The peace, however, never lasts long in our little household.

   "Boys, rise and shine! It's half past nine. Time for breakfast," Rose energetically calls us and starts banging on the door. This woman's endless vitality never ceases to amaze me, especially if it is aimed at sticking her nose into my business. "Sammy, your uncle Peter came to leave the keys for the boat you had asked him for. Wasn't there anything better to do? How do you always come up with something like that? Alec is so delicate. That old, rusty peace of junk is not safe at all and... "

   "They heard you, honey," mom shouts from the kitchen on the first floor. "Come and help me with the muffins. I am not sure if I should turn off the oven."

   "Don't you dare open it without me," Rose yells back. "Don't touch the stove! You always either burn them or leave them soggy." I hear her hurried footsteps down the stairs and chuckle. It is certainly a matter of honor for her. Just imagine offering imperfect pastry to a professional chef. I'm sure my mother is not allowed to breathe within five feet from the cookie tray.

   "What is so funny?" Alec mumbles without opening his eyes and sneaks closer, smearing the drool all over my shoulder in the process. I totally don't mind and instantly crack the biggest grin. He looks like a sleepy, fluffy puppy. I'm so tempted to stroke his back and scratch his belly.

   "Everything is just fine, babe," I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head. "You can sleep some more. It was Rose, making fuss about the boat trip."

   "The boat trip!" he shrieks, and his tousled head sticks out from under my chin. His eyelids immediately raise, uncovering two chocolate-colored, big eyes, sparkling with delight. The golden sprinkles in his irises reflect the morning sun. Yes, it's definitely a puppy, a happy one at that. "When do we leave? Is the boat big? Does it have a helm wheel? Can I drive it?"

   "Calm down, Mr. Sparrow," I laugh. "I may consider promoting you to a captain, but you'll have to pass some tests. The highest rank must be earned, you know."

    "What tests?" he squints, turning instantly bright red. The boy seems to know me pretty well. I can't say his suspicions are not right.

   "Oh, nothing that you haven't already proved yourself to be brilliant at," I smile innocently. "Maybe a physical fitness test, nothing excessive though, only some pushups, few minutes of sit-ups. Oh, and we need to check your survival skills for the wild. I mean, it's teaming with animals at the river."

   Alec starts giggling, "What animals? Fish, turtles, and frogs?" 

   "Hmm, these too, but mainly snakes, dangerous, huge snakes," I start tickling him. He is laughing in full voice, trying to capture my hands when another knock puts an end to our noisy scramble.

   "Boys!" Rose is unyielding. "Get up! We are waiting for you."

   "Oh, Gosh!" Alec whispers and heads to the bathroom with the blanket wrapped around him, leaving me stark naked, sprawled on the sheets. "I better hurry up and take a shower."

   "I'm coming with you," I slide out of bed and follow him.

  "No!" he stops me at the bathroom door.

  "Why not? We bathed together last night," I'm trying to sneak past him.

   "Because I won't be able to look your mother in the eyes during breakfast," he answers.

   "We're just going to shower," I don't give up.

  "Oh, really?" he rolls his eyes and slams the door under my nose.

   Aaah, Peppercorn! Just wait for us to go back to the city. 

   The door opens, just a little. I grin, full of hopes, ready to slip inside. Alec's face and a pointing finger appear in the crack.

   "Also, to be clear, I'm the captain," he states, blows me a kiss, and slams it closed again.


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Hello, at the end of chapter 45!

Thank you for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

You are amazing!

It seems auntie is quite suspicious.

Do you think she won't let the boys spend too much time together in bed on purpose? 😉

This boat trip will be epic. Any theories about what will happen? 😀

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize if you think it's necessary.

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Love: Anny  

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