62. Bad Boys Stick Together (Sam)

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   "Hey, Bro!" Dark Sun's tattooed, bass guitar player shakes me by the shoulder so hard that I almost fall off my chair. "Sam, right? Buddy, you're as pale as a ghost. What's up?"

   I barely hear his voice due to the loud cheers and screams coming from everywhere around us. My eyes are pinned on my angel-looking boyfriend who is fidgeting, smiling anxiously between the two wild star girls. 

   He is absolutely mesmerizing, beautiful, sexy and... drunk. I am so into him that it makes my legs weaken, and my heart races and flutters in my chest. How does he not see it? How could I not show it to him properly? His move was absolutely reckless and pointless. He is not thinking straight right now, and it's all because that stupid, insolent ass Victor. He is no friend of mine anymore. I am an idiot to miss what a piece of shit he is. It always has to be his way. It's been like this since we were kids. He was all as nice as pie when I did what he wanted and as cunning as a cartload of monkeys when I hesitated to get involved in the mischiefs he had planned. I've been blind for years. That's not how best friends act. I have no one to blame but myself, though.  I should've punched his face the moment I saw him messing with my Peppercorn. 

   The guy shakes me roughly again. His name is Lucky, if I remember correctly. What does he want?

   "What?" I grumble. 

   "Woah there! Take it easy, man," he raises his hands defensively. "I see you're on pins and needles. I'm not trying to poke my nose into your business, but ya know, we're cut from the same cloth. I can tell when my brother is in trouble. Great tattoos, by the way."

   "Thanks! Yours aren't bad either," I smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm worried about my boyfriend. I kind of messed up, and he's in this situation because of me and... He's not the most self-confident person... I just don't want him to be upset if something goes wrong..."

   Lucky throws an arm over my shoulders and grins. "See that cutie bug over there?"

   I follow his gaze to his pretty girlfriend, who immediately beams and waves at us. She looks like his complete opposite, sweet and amiable, curvy and cute, barely five feet. Obviously, opposites attract, exactly like me and Alec. 

   "Your girl is adorable," I honestly say. 

   "Can't agree more," he chuckles. "Would you believe that I didn't notice her for two years? Her best friend had to come from Japan, and our lead singer had to fall in love with him for me to finally see daylight. We all make mistakes, Sam. It's no use crying over spilled milk. Let me tell ya, bad boys stick together. I'll help your man out. Have no worries."

   "Thank you, friend!" I shake his hand. 

   "Don't mention it." He pats me on the back and heads towards the stage. The crowd instantly erupts into thunderous applause. People love him. I cool off a bit. There's no way he would let Alec down. The guy clearly understands. We are brothers in arms.

   "Aaaaaa! Look who's joining us," Scarlet screams, bouncing on her feet. "My favorite bad boy. I think I'm going to faint." 

   "Watch it, girl. He's not single," Purple giggles, pulling Lucky by the hand to stand next to Alec, who seems a little startled but keeps smiling.

   "Love you, Emma!" Scarlet blows a kiss to Lucky's girlfriend. She returns it.

   "Let's goooo! Can we do it live?" Lucky shouts into the microphone, adjusting his guitar. The room is shaking. The crowd is wild. He points his finger at Dark Sun's vocalist. "Em, where are you? Come on! Alec here deserves a live gig to show his best moves. Get your ass over here!"

   He starts playing the intro, choking down on the cords. It's lazy and muffled at first, making the rhythm sensual and alluring, but the moment Em steps on the stage, pushes it to a strong, thick melody. Everyone is up on their feet. 

   "Feel free to sing along, guys," Em yells, wrapping an arm around Alec's waist. "Oh, my! Let me introduce my favorite chef to you. This is for his man, Sam, and my baby, Sunny." 

   He cracks a staggering grin, and the audience is literally melting. Sunny grips my sleeve and drags me to the stage. We sit on the ledge at their feet.

  "Come oooon!" Em heats the crowd up and pulls Alec closer. They are standing face to face. "Drink lots of water, my friends, and take notes, cause we're gonna set this house ooon fireeee!"

   He starts singing. His deep voice silences the uproar. Em nods to Alec, and they sway their hips together to the left and to the right, slowly at first, but soon it goes to seductive, full body waves. The star girls join them, standing back to back behind each of them and mirror their movements. 

   It's a sight to behold. I have never seen Alec like this, and I'd be lying if I say he is not hot as hell. I am not the only one who thinks so, judging by the whistles and cheers, coming from the hall.

   Em steps away and comes to sit between me and Sunny, grinning from ear to ear. Alec and the girls keep dancing. Their moves are synchronized, as if they have rehearsed for months. All three are really good, but my baby totally steals the show. Those firm thighs are to die for. I look at his face, and there is no doubt he is having the time of his life. They wave arms in the air and twerk their way to the ground and back up again. Finally, Alec makes a full turn and drops to one knee, holding the girls by the waist on both his sides while they do a backbend with their hair touching the floor.

   I jump up and give a standing ovation to my one and only, breathtaking Peppercorn. He kicked ass, totally rocked it. I'll be grateful to Lucky and Em for life for helping him feel comfortable and supporting him. That was a stellar performance.

   "Heyyy, Teddy Bear!" Alec yells, throwing himself in my arms. "Was I good?"

   "You were fantastic, the best, out of this world. You've got me on my knees, babe." I beam at him, fill of admiration.

   "I told you." He rolls his eyes.

   "Yes, you did," I mumble, squeezing him closer for a kiss.


Photo by druvo from istockphoto.com

Photo ID 105906695 © Artofphoto | Dreamstime.com


Hello, at the end of chapter 62!

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Love: Anny 

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