Chapter 4

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I steered my motorcycle off the side of the road, far enough in the wooded area to not be seen by any bypassers. Pops was crazy if he truly believed I would allow them to face an alpha alone. If something happened to either of them because I was not there to help, I would never forgive myself.

I dug in my pocket for my cell phone and clicked on the Find My app. Pops and Roary tried this once in the past and were successful in leaving me behind but never again.

I grinned triumphantly as the blue icon pinned Roary's location, my face drenched in the phone's screen light. Roary was the beefy weapons man and not very tech savvy, meaning he never found out that I turned his location on.

According to the blue dot, they were heading in the opposite direction from me, down a road called Center Grove back in Windfall.

I glanced back through the trees at the darkened highway, roaring my engine back to life, and rushed after them.

My pulse steadily increased as I flew down the road. I had to be smart about this and keep my distance. One wrong move, and they'd detect me, either by their superior sight or impeccable hearing. They were, after all, Del Val Hunters. The best in the world at what they did.

I rechecked the app. They had stopped in what appeared to be a dense forest. The dot barely moved now. They must be on foot.

I parked my motorcycle behind a curtain of trees, traded my helmet for an absurd amount of weapons, and cautiously followed them into the woods.

Gun in my hand, with several more secured safely at my hips and thighs, I ventured into the woods, the adrenaline in my veins surging with every step. The sun had fully set, and I was walking around in utter darkness; good thing Hunters could see pretty well in the dark. I glanced down at my phone, still tracking my brother.

The beacon stopped, and so did I. They must be laying a trap for the beast. With my back against a tree, my gun held before my chest, I glanced in both directions and decided to watch the perimeter to ensure all sides were covered and nothing was sneaking up on them.

Minutes soon became hours, and I circled again, needing an outlet for my increasing tension.

My nerves were on edge, my teeth gritted in aggravation. For all I knew, the lycan could be on the hunt stalking another helpless boy in a different location.

Rustling in front of me quickly caught my attention, and I stilled. My finger squeezed around the trigger of my pistol.

Silence met me, and my mind carefully calculated each possibility of what I heard. It could be my father and Roary, a simple forest animal, or...

My heart stopped as two glowing red eyes glistened a few feet before me. My breath caught when those unholy eyes spotted me.

My body went rigid. I wasn't even sure I was breathing. It sniffed, sizing me up.

"Female," the creature said in an unholy-sounding voice that made my skin crawl. Yep, it definitely spoke. Henry was right. Could an alpha lycan speak? Was that one of the many things Pops had neglected to tell me about their kind?

I willed my nerves to focus. I was a Huntress and a Del Val at that. I'd hunted vampires, witches, banshees, and ghosts. I could do this. I crouched low, gun at the ready. "That's right, darling," I baited. "Come on out; momma wants to play."

A low growl escaped it, and I watched in horror as the eyes rose another two feet. Shit, it was big, very big, easily seven feet tall. Was it crouching this whole time?

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