Chapter 38

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I followed my Grandfather in complete silence as he led me down the hall and into the small library at the other end of the house. I wasn't sure what had just happened, but when my Grandfather suddenly showed up and took me out of the room, I had little doubt that he knew what was happening.

I had a million questions for him, but I learned long ago that with him, you spoke when spoken to. He was an old-school hunter who deserved and demanded respect even from his own grandchildren, so as difficult as it was, I waited...

He motioned to a chair. "Sit down."

I quickly sat down and pulled it to the wooden table as he looked me over. I returned his gaze, photocopying to memory his features. He was more withered and worn, and his hair was grayer than I remember, but he was still handsome.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked, sliding an old, yellowed-page book towards me. I shook my head and continued to stare at him.

"That doesn't surprise me. Your father has never been the type to care much for history and book knowledge. It's little surprise that he has raised his children to be the same way."

I bit my tongue at the jab toward my father. Arguing with him would do me little good and further prolong the answers to the questions burning on the end of my tongue.

"This book is our legacy; its pages are detailed with all the Hunters in our family, starting from the very first one."

My mouth dropped open, and I pulled the book closer and carefully cracked open the worn pages. How could Pops keep something like this from us? I pour over the pages, my eyes quickly scanning each word. The more I saw, the more I thirsted for more. Finally, after a few pages, my eyes snagged on an image that interested me.

I turned the book around and pointed at the picture. "What is this?"

Grandfather didn't even need to look at it before he answered. "I'm sure your father has at least told you that Hunters have been around for many generations, and as the years have gone by, the number of hunters has greatly diminished."

I nodded my head, and he continued. "But I am sure he neglected to tell you that Hunters nowadays are also much weaker and have much less power than their ancestors."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. So not only were we less in number, but also weaker? That did not give me much hope for our future, especially with a werewolf war on the horizon.

"This man in this picture shows you what Hunters used to be like in the olden days. Stronger, faster, and more powerful. So powerful that he could physically throw his power."

I looked at the picture once more. It was a man standing with his arms stretched out before him. Everything in his path had been destroyed like a tornado had gone through.

"Is this what happened to me earlier?"

"I believe so," he answered with a slight nod of his head.

I couldn't contain the questions any longer. They burned the end of my tongue like hot coal. "How is this possible? How could I, of all people, be cable of generations-old power?"

Grandfather held up his hand to silence me, and I huffed in frustration. "Do you remember the day your mother died?"

Keller's words came back to me. Was this why he needed me? How could he know about my power before I did?

Grandfather's eyes bore into mine. "What is it?"

"The one who is creating a werewolf army is the same one who killed Mom. He said he needed my power to make his werewolves live longer."

"They sense it in you, even from such a young age. All creatures with any supernatural ability can feel the power radiating off you."

I closed my eyes. It was all making sense now. All the werewolves being drawn to me said I was dominant and powerful. They were attracted to my power. It was like a beacon calling them in. Keller had known about my power long ago, and that bastard had killed my mother because of it. It was my fault she was dead.

"Why now? I have never been able to do anything like I did today and have been fighting alongside Pops and Roary for years now."

Grandfather stroked his face with his hand like he hadn't figured that part out yet. His eyes lit up suddenly, shifting towards the doorway. I turned in my seat to whatever had caught his attention and saw Rook silently waiting at the door.

Grandfather motioned towards Rook. "I believe a part of you has been missing, and now that you have found that missing part, you are whole again."

I closed my eyes; all this was too much to handle now. I sensed rather than heard Rook as he approached and lightly touched my shoulders in silent support.

Grandfather stroked his chin. "I can feel your power intensify whenever he is around. I may not like that he is a lycan, but the truth is fated mates have always been stronger when they are together."

I leaned into Rook's palm as he bent and cupped my cheek. He wiped away my tears with his rough thumb.

Grandfather cleared his throat to get our attention. "I will speak to your father and try to beat some sense into him. You compose yourself and meet me on the training field, both of you. We have much work to do and a short amount of time to do it."

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