Chapter 24

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Now that Rook had gotten his feral wolf back under control, the other lycans, one by one, started to abort. Rook stared at me, pain reflecting in his eyes.

I glanced around nervously. I wasn't sure if I trusted myself alone with him after everything I had been through; I was vulnerable and did not like the feeling. Not to mention the fact that he had betrayed me.

"That was smooth of me to tell you in front of everyone that you were my mate," Rook said sarcastically.

"I already knew. I heard you and Yvonne talking last night...I also heard you tell her you had to kill me, so why didn't you just let Conner do it and be done with it all?" I waited for his reply, and when I got none, I continued. "You were right. I can't be your mate or your Luna. So you are welcome to try to kill me."

I braced my feet in the damp foliage waiting for him to pounce. My mind still couldn't wrap around his reasoning for saving me from Conner if he intended to kill me anyway.

He turned his head away from me and downcasted his eyes.

I straightened up. "Rook?"

"I can't," he said barely above a whisper.



"Why, Rook?!" I said a little too loud.

"Because I felt like I was dying without you!" he thundered, and my heart ceased to beat at his confession.

"I couldn't feel, sense, or smell you when you left. I couldn't tell if you were hurt, lost, or needed me. That caused such an emptiness in my chest I thought it would consume me. I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to."

As a Huntress, I knew I should have been disturbed by his words, but truthfully my heart cracked in two. I had never had someone care so deeply for me or need me as much as he said he did. My heart pounded against my chest, overflowing and gushing with what I finally admitted was love. I reached up and gently cupped his cheek in my palm.

He pulled away like he was ashamed of what he had just said. I was sure for a big, strong, lycan alpha, it was difficult for him to admit that he needed someone else. That fact made him even more endearing to me.

"Well, since we are speaking the truth, I'll admit, the whole time I was running away from you, my heart was hurting, and the need to return to you was almost unbearable." There, I said it.

Now we both laid our hearts on the line. Rook glanced at me, and the look in his eyes made me squirm. His deep hazel pools threatened to drown me.

I broke the tense moment before my body went up in flames. "What do we do now?"

"We'll figure it out."

Typical male response. No plan, just we'll figure it out.

"Want a ride back?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

"Absolutely not. I intend to keep some of my dignity."

"Suit yourself."

I was exhausted. My ankle throbbed, and my ribs felt like they would snap in two if I dared another step but refused to ride on his back. He shifted back into his wolf form in a gulf of black smoke and trotted off ahead of me. His midnight black fur made seeing him in the twilight almost impossible, but I smiled. I knew he was there. I could feel him close by. I was also happy he gave me some space and did not treat me like a damsel in distress. Like Pop's or Roary would have done. He understood me and my need for independence even though I knew it was hard for him to give me space, especially with him still borderline feral.

I finally trudged into the opening of the compound and forced my sore muscles to take me a little further until I reached the house. I turned to the knob and pushed the door open.

I made my way to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. I needed to shower and change into my nightgown, but I was too tired. I would rest for a while and then do all of those things. My eyes started to close before my head even hit the pillow.

I released a frustrated breath when I heard my door slowly open. I sat up as Rook hovered in the doorway, shirtless wearing black joggers that hugged his sculpted legs. My body flushed with heat, and I quickly looked away before I did something to embarrass myself.

"What's wrong now?" I asked when he remained motionless at my door without speaking.

"After what happened to you tonight, I need to be close to you."

Was this man made of pure sugar?

"Are you asking if you can sleep with me tonight?"

"Either that or I will curl up outside your door like a dog," he said with a faint smile.

I wasn't sure this was such a good idea, but I would get to sleep much faster if I didn't argue with him. "Fine, but you better stay on your side of the bed," I warned.

He walked over, and the mattress gave way to his weight when he laid down beside me.

"I can resist if you can," he challenged.

"Then we have nothing to worry about," I said, turning off the lamp beside the bed.

The room was instantly engulfed in pure darkness. I angled my head towards Rook. I could just make out his outline in the dark. He was lying on his back with his hands resting under his head.

Damn this stupid nagging in my chest. I wanted to curl up beside him and lay my head on his chest. After several minutes ticked by and I still hadn't fallen asleep, I slowly edged towards him and laid my head on his peck.

His chest rumbled with laughter. "I win."

"Shut up." I smiled and closed my eyes.

Rook brought one of his arms down, wrapped it around me, and pulled me closer. I hissed in pain, and he instantly loosened his hold, sat up, and flicked on the lamp on the nightstand.

Against my protests, he pulled up my shirt, exposing my black and blue ribs. An angry, menacing growl rumbled in his chest, and he jumped out of bed like a beast on the warpath.

"Where are you going? You can't kill him all over again," I said with a cocky smile that he didn't seem impressed by.

"It might make me feel better," he growled.

"Get back into bed. I'm fine. It will be healed by morning."

Thankfully, he did as I asked and cradled me gently in his arms. He was shaking with anger, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"If you think this is bad, you should have seen the time Pops, Roary, and I went up against a bloodthirsty vampire coven. I almost died after one of those things sunk its teeth into my neck and nearly drained me dry of my blood..."

"Are you trying to make me go on a killing spree?"

I smiled and snuggled closer to his warm body. "Good night, Rook. I'll sleep better knowing my big, strong protector is nearby."

"Always," he whispered in my ear before I fell into one of the most peaceful nights of sleep I had ever had.

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