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Im not dead.

I will most definitely be editing this chapter.

And I'm not sure how long it's going to be before I update again :( I'll announce that on my page later.

Now read :)) Don't hate on me pls

Kita had been debating for a long time when to break his request- no, his DECISION- to Isuma. Akagi had sharply told him to get it over with, forcing him to promise to tell her by the end of the evening.

It wasn't easy. He'd wanted to tell her several times, but each time he'd attempted to he caught sight of her laughing or smiling with someone. Why destroy her happiness?

So he stalled some more.

During the first speaker's monologue, he caught sight of Isuma, who was on the other of the room. A stubborn voice awakened in his head and pestered, 'You have to! Before she gets worse!'

Kita did his best to ignore the voice, but it persistently insisted he immediately march up to Isuma. Towards the end of the first speech, Karu materialized next to him as if aware of the war waging in his cousin's mind. "You okay, Shin-chan?"

"I'm okay." He said absently, privately thinking that he'd been saying those words a lot lately. Karu didn't call it on him and merely turned towards the stage. Yamaha- the elder- was about to begin his address to the crowd and take the microphone. Although he attempted to, Kita couldn't pay attention to him- nor the four others that followed. It was a good 45 minutes before the last person signed off and the applause died out.

The crowds immediately began dispersing and spreading throughout the place. Karu immediately turned towards Kita and firmly said, "Tell me. Have you told her yet?"

Kita shouldn't have been surprised at Karu's ability to pick up on his emotions, but he was. " I haven't." Karu's expression changed. "When will you, Shin-chan? Stop waiting. You'll only make it worse for both you and her."

"I know-" Karu cut Kita off. "Go. NOW. You'll keep putting it off if you don't."

"I can't," Kita said, caught off-guard. He didn't want to tell her- not here, surrounded by hundreds of people, many of whom would see her reaction. And not NOW, when she was enjoying herself, when they were in the middle of an important occasion.

"Yes, you can. Listen to me, Shinsuke. Isuma's not blind. She knows what's coming- or at least has a good idea. I of all people know how much you care for her. She's going to be bitter, and probably not be all too friendly with you for a while, but she'll get over it. Go. Now."


She and Tamiko glanced over their shoulders at the same time. Kita was standing a few feet away from them, his demeanor different than when she'd last seen him. He glanced at Tamiko, who flinched. "May I speak with her for a few moments?"

"Um, yes." Tamiko was gone in an instant. Isuma almost called after him, but she stopped herself and turned back towards Kita, taking care not to remove her hand from her forehead. Ever since Yamaha Riok had approached them, the area right above her eyes had been throbbing with pain. "Yes?"

He went straight to his point. "Do you recall that conversation we had? Back when you first joined?" Kita prompted. Isuma hesitantly asked, "After the first day?"

"Yes. Remember my warning when you insisted you not resign?" He questioned. Isuma was slowly piecing things together, and she didn't like it. "...I do."

The Third Miya: IsumaWhere stories live. Discover now