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Irene's expression got progressively darker as Isuma spoke.

Several times, Isuma wanted to laugh it off as a joke and leave, but she didn't. She forced herself to keep talking for a painful five minutes.

Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Takahiro would also be waiting to hear from her and would probably be disappointed if she hadn't asked at all.

So she kept going, not stopping until she had covered everything. Isuma had made a list of things she needed to mention and was mentally crossing them off as she went.

Irene didn't interrupt her or even react. She glued her gaze to her laced fingers and didn't move until Isuma had finally finished.

Irene took a deep breath and looked up at Isuma. Managing a smile, she said, "Thank you for thinking about me, Isuma. I'll admit- I'm not in the best place right now, but I'll be fine. I'm working on it-"

"Irene, is it true?" Isuma's voice shook slightly, but she kept her calm demeanor. Irene sighed. "That's unimportant. I don't feel the need to tell you, Isuma. I'm FINE. You have enough responsibilities, and I don't need to be one of them."

She smiled at Isuma sadly before leaving the gym. Isuma set her head on the table, defeated. They couldn't do ANYTHING without Irene- especially if she didn't want the help. Isuma couldn't blame her. Why would she want help from someone she'd barely known for a month?

"It's no use."

Isuma looked up. Jakk came up to her, gazing in the direction Irene had left. "She doesn't want your help. She doesn't want ANYONE'S help. Believe me. I've tried."

Jakk shook his head and glanced at Isuma. He looked sadder than Isuma had ever seen him. "She doesn't even talk to me about it anymore."

"Why?" Isuma asked. Jakk bitterly replied, "Because I tried to help. Irene's not the type to accept assistance- she never was. Her parents raised her to feel ashamed of being dependent on anyone."

"That's pretty awful parenting."

Jakk laughed. "I agree."

"Are you okay with this?" She asked. Jakk managed a smile. "Of course not. She's my best friend, but if she doesn't want my help, I can't help her- at least, not to her knowledge."

Jakk didn't continue, but she understood what he was trying to convey.


Irene didn't arrive at her usual time the next day.

Takahiro was the only one at the front desk in the morning. He didn't take notice of her absence until Henry, who was always the last trainee to arrive, checked in. He checked his computer to see if she'd notified the center in advance, but she hadn't sent any texts or emails. Takahiro hesitated, then texted Utsui Sensei about it. He advised Takahiro to reach out to Irene.

He called Khloe first, the official receptionist. She had a dentist appointment and had let them know beforehand. Luckily, she answered quickly, confirming that Irene hadn't sent in an official notice. She suggested asking Jakk.

Isuma walked in when Takahiro was hanging up. She asked, "What's wrong?"

"How do you know something's wrong?" Takahiro questioned. Isuma instantly responded, "Your whole family bends their eyebrows when thinking or worried."

"Ah." Takahiro made a mental note to work on that. "Irene hasn't checked in yet, and she's never this late. She hasn't sent in an official notice or anything, either. I'm going to ask Jakk if he knows anything."

"No. Jakk wouldn't." Isuma looked concerned. "You should ask, though, just in case."

"Let's go." Takahiro shoved everything into his bag and hurried into the hallway, practically running to the gym. Isuma was right on his heels. The trainees all glared at him when he burst into the room. Takahiro immediately approached Jakk, who set down his warm-up equipment. "What's up?"

The Third Miya: IsumaWhere stories live. Discover now