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<<Atsumu and Osamu>>

"Hey, Tsumu!! Tsumu! Tsumu, listen to me! Stop running!!" Osamu was racing after his brother, yelling. They were running along a stone path; the right side was crowded with quaint cafes and shops, while to their left was a railing overlooking a beautiful, large lake. Atsumu slowed to a stop but didn't turn around. Osamu grabbed his brother's shoulders and wheeled him around. "Hey! What are you so worked up about?!"

"...I- how can we trust anyone around Suma?" Atsumu asked, not looking at his brother. Osamu sighed, shaking his head. "Atsumu. Listen to me."

He looked up: they almost never used each other's names. Osamu locked eyes with his brother, his tone and expression deadly serious yet soft and gentle and understanding. "We can't always be there for her. She's not a little girl anymore! She can change... she has to change. And Kita Senpai knows it. He realizes what Isuma is going to have to face later on... a world where we won't always be with her. Do you not trust her?"

"I trust her... I just don't trust the world." Atsumu answered. Osamu strengthened his grip on Atsumu's shoulders. "Then trust Kita for now... I feel terrible about the fact that he knows more about our own sister than we do. But for now, he's the only person I trust with this. Do you?"

Atsumu didn't say anything for several long moments. "...what if she doesn't need us later and we all just... drift away?"

"Listen." Osamu leaned forward until their foreheads touched. "That's a lot of 'what ifs.' For now... we have Kita Senpai." Osamu's voice dropped. "Will you trust him with her?"

"...of course." Atsumu straightened, pulling away from his brother a little. He had briefly let down his emotional barrier and seemed embarrassed about it. Osamu removed his hands. "Good. Come on. Let's hope they're still at the NSA."

"Right..." Atsumu put his hands behind his head as they started walking. "By the way, do you think Suma-chan likes Kita Senpai?"

"She- wait, what?!" Osamu jumped away from his brother, and Atsumu looked at him, startled. "Whoa, don't freak out! Weren't you just telling me a minute ago to trust him with her?"

"Yeah, but not like that!" Osamu exclaimed. "That was just Kita being protective of her like... the rest... of us."

He fell silent as he thought about what Atsumu had just said. Kita had probably always been the closest to Isuma after the two of them, and he'd barely known her for two years. And he seemed to pick up on her feelings better than the others. That could just be his instinct as a Captain but... the fact that Isuma usually turned a slight pink when he talked to her or looked flustered kind of ruined Osamu's arguments. "Fine. You might have a point. She probably likes him... and he probably cares for her. I'll admit that. But we are never discussing this ever again, understand?"

Osamu glared at Atsumu, who replied, "Weren't you the one telling me to not avoid-"

"Shut up, Tsumu!"

"Hey, you're the doing the same thing-"

"I said shut up!"

"But you're-"


I needed some Miya brothers in here, so here you are. Of course, they immediately proceed to arguing within seconds of reassuring one another. But then, that's just how those two are. Even here. Also, can we talk about Osamu's reaction to what Atsumu said?

The Third Miya: IsumaWhere stories live. Discover now