Chapter 1

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School, eight hours of hell, five days a week with a lot to no homework to do at home. To top that off, with little to no social contact from the Humans or Wolves except for the occasional glorious beatings from my peers.

I mean, why wouldn't they? They, people from my pack, thought that I was weak and that I had killed my parents. But, the thing that I didn't understand was why they would think that. Sure, I was covered in their blood and at the time of their death, but I was five years old and couldn't shift. I had told them this, but no one believed me except for my brother, who had been six at the time and my best friend, Giselle.

I sighed and shook my head, clearing me from my upsetting thoughts. I hadn't told anyone this, but I had had this primal instinct when they had whispered something on the verge of their death, which had caused me to drink their blood.

Again, I shook my head while I walked to my locker. My once clean and nice sweatshirt and jeans were now covered with the remains of lunch from two of my packmates since my big brother wasn't there to stop them. A small grimaced appeared on my face while I reached behind and pulled some spaghetti off of the back of my hoodie. "Remind me to never eat-" A startled gasp escaped my lips when I was pulled into a room by something that had created tingles coming over my body.

A light flickered on, and I blinked to clear my vision before I looked at the face of my captor. 

Two brown eyes bore into my gray ones, and my heart skipped a beat because this was my mate. He was my mate. His blonde hair was pushed out of his face, giving him that bad boy from hell look. His kissable, pink lips were turned into a sneer while he looked me up and down. "So, I'm guessing that you think I will save you from everyone that has ever beaten you, right?" he asked.

I just frowned and blinked. I knew that if I had gotten a mate that was not him then it would've probably happened if he hadn't heard about the "rumors" of me killing my parents. I was sure he would've figured out that I was a dud because I hadn't changed into my wolf form like others when I was sixteen.

"Well, that is-"

"Just save it, Cooper," I interrupted him, rolling my eyes. I hid a flinch when he dug his nails into my skin and growled. A small scowl appeared on my face while I wrenched my arm from his grasp. "I already know what you are going to say, and I don't need to hear it."

Cooper Pierce, the Alpha's son, raised an eyebrow. He stayed silent, waiting for me to either back down or to continue with what I wanted to say.

"You are going to say, 'You are a disgrace to this pack, and the rogues should've killed you while they had the chance. You killed your parents, who were the most important people to the pack after my parents. You are a weak pup, not shifting at the age of sixteen and finding your mate five months after your birthday, even though I was right here. I can not have a weak Luna nor can this pack have someone like you'." I mimicked his voice,  and the male smirked because I sounded like him. "And I would've said 'but I'm your-' leaving you to interrupt me and rejecting me, but-" I paused and smirked, and the smirk wiped off his face, leaving me to feel satisfied. "-I'm not going to let you get the satisfaction of doing that." 

My heart clenched at what I was going to do, but I knew that I had to do it. If I didn't, then I would've probably gone back on a promise that I had made to my brother. I took a deep breath and looked at his brown eyes that were turning darker by the minute. "I, Rylan Reece, reject you, Cooper Pierce as my mate and Alpha. After I pack my bags, I will not be a part of the GreenRock Pack any longer but a rogue." I took a deep breath when I felt a tear in our mate bond.

Cooper stared at me, shocked. His brown eyes had the look of a lost puppy, and I almost pitied him. Almost, because he was one of my greatest tormentors.

I waited patiently and raised an eyebrow when he didn't say a word. "What? You aren't going to accept? Hmph. Figures." With that, I nodded my head goodbye before leaving the room and school. I had no idea where I was going to go, but I knew that I couldn't stay here and watch Cooper fuck other girls like the player he was.


Twenty minutes later, I was packing my bags of what little I had in the smallish room that I had obtained from moving into the packhouse. A small frown appeared on my face because I knew that I was going to miss the Alpha and Luna of this pack, who had taken care of me and Rhett, my brother.

"And where do you think you are going?" a voice asked, and I flinched and looked up with doe eyes. Cameron Pierce was his name, and he was the Alpha GreenRock Pack until his son took over. He had gentle brown eyes that lit up when he talked about something he loved doing. His short, graying, black hair looked kind of messy as if he had been running his hand through it countless times. A warm smile, that was usually on his lips, was replaced with a scowl when he saw that I was packing.

I sighed and started to pack my second bag of what little I had left. "Far away from here," I replied. I looked back up and blinked. "I found my mate, and he was going to reject me."

"Was going to reject you?"

I nodded my head while I hid my two silver daggers on my body, knowing that if I did take a plane, then they wouldn't be detected. "I rejected him first."

"And who is he?"

I shook my head, no. "He doesn't want anyone to know that I'm his mate, so I'm not going to tell anyone. I just need to leave right now, because I don't think that I will be able to stay here and see him fucking other girls."

Alpha Cameron clicked his tongue. "Where do you think you'll be going?"

I shrugged. I hadn't come up with a plan on where I was going to go, but I did know that it was going to be far away from here. "Far away from here," I replied.

He nodded his head. "I have a friend that could use more female Warriors like you if you are up to the challenge." A small smirk appeared on his face.

I huffed, hating the fact that he knew I liked challenges. "But what if they don't accept me because I'm a "Dud?""

"That wouldn't matter. You've come quite close to defeating your brother, even though you haven't shifted yet. I have told him about you, and he has been wanting to meet you for some time. He has come over sometimes, but my pack..." He trailed off, scowling.

"I know," I said. "And, I'm willing to take the challenge. It'd be better than moving around with all of this stuff." I gestured to the three bags that I had packed.

Alpha Cameron chuckled and nodded his head. "I'm sure you would've stolen a car, and people would have run after you to get the car back," he replied. There was a teasing scowl on his face, and I couldn't help but grin innocently because that was probably the truth. He cleared his throat and grew serious while he studied me. "And when do you want to leave?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Now," I replied. "I don't want to be here when they get back."

Alpha Cameron nodded his head. "All right. I'll call and get you a ticket as well as calling him to tell him that you will be at the airport in five hours." He opened his arms, and I instantly ran into his waiting arms and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you," he whispered.

My throat clenched, and I cleared my throat. "I'm going to miss you, also," I whispered, my voice cracking. It was true, I was going to miss the Alpha and Luna, who had taken me and my brother in after the death of my parents. "Thank you, for everything."


A/N: Well, how did ya'll like the first chapter? 

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins.


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