Chapter 38 (Edited)

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After we got back from seeing Amelia Grace, the gang and I went back to GreenRock as well as Uncle Carter and a couple of Warriors from his pack. Well, it wasn't right when we got back from seeing Amelia Grace, but it was soon enough to make me pissed and throw a tantrum.

That stopped when I had gotten into the car, tucked into a ball and fell asleep. Every so often, Thaddeus would poke my nose or something to see if I was alive, and I ended up biting his finger once, causing him not to do it again. I did not know I bi him, because I was just very exhausted, mentally and physically.

When we got back to the Pack, training for me began up again, and this time it was basically full on attack and learning how to figure a way out of different situations. Brick pushed me harder than before, because sadly, Elder Jeff was right. I couldn't change the past, but I would make sure that no one else got hurt because of me.

So, for two weeks straight, I did back to back training on anything and everything that Brick could offer me. When I surpassed him, Brick gave me over to one of his friends, whom happened to be in the pack that I grew up in. I wasn't really comfortable with that, but the male did not talk about my parents death and showed me basic respect.

The funny thing was, Vulcan didn't hang around me that much during those two weeks. I found it rather odd, but he was a grown Vampire, so I didn't worry about it that much. However, when Vulcan was around, he seemed more distant towards me. I didn't know the reasoning behind it, and when I tried to talk to him about it, he shut me out completely.

Vulcan wasn't even sharing a room with me at night anymore. That lead for Cooper to come in at night and just lay beside me.

And, if I was being honest with myself, I rather enjoyed it. I enjoyed spending time with him, but I was still cautious. I knew how to keep my guard up, and I wasn't going to let him in for him to just walk out of my life again. I wanted to be certain that he had changed, and I guess he understood that because he never pushed me past my boundaries.

"Oi, Rylan," someone said, plopping beside me where I was playing with my food at lunch and at the hell- well, school. That's right, I was back in school. And, thankfully people were mainly leaving me alone. It probably took beating up two girls, whom seemed to think that they were all "that".

I flinched, slightly when someone snapped their fingers in front of my eyes. I had been so engrossed in my thoughts that I had no idea what was happening. So, when I looked up, I was surprised that the whole group was there and Bailey was the one that had snapped her fingers in front of me. "Huh?" I asked, blinking.

"Are you alright?" Rhett asked, worried. Still the same old brother, worrying about my health and well being. I kinda liked it, but it was, slightly getting rather annoying with him being a worrywart.

I nodded my head before rubbing the bridge of my nose, a headache appearing out of nowhere. "Oh, uh ya," I said, finally. "Sorry, I was thinking."

"'Bout?" Luke asked, talking with his mouth full of food.

I scrunched up my nose. "About how handsome you look with food hanging out of your mouth," I replied, sarcastically. I shook my head and sighed. "It's nothing, really. I'm just worried about Vulcan and having to teach people how to fight." I kept my answers vague, knowing that there were humans around.

"Hey, don't go brain dead on us," Gigi teased, grinning. "We need your powerful mind." She poked my head which caused me lean towards Bailey, holding my hands up in defense.

"Hey, now," I complained when Bailey took the advantage and poke me in the head, also. "No gaining up on the thinker."

"But that's all you do," Addy groaned, laying her head on the table. "That or fight big guys."

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