Chapter 2

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The worst part of leaving when I did was not being able to tell my brother and best friend goodbye. However, I knew that they would have tried to make me stay, so it was basically for the best.

And so, here I was sitting on a plane, clutching to the armrests for dear life. I took a deep breath, trying to control my frayed nerves. Why did I ask to get on a plane when I knew that I was afraid of flying? I thought to myself as the plane moved over an air current, making my stomach roll.

I took a deep breath and changed the song that my phone was on to a different song, hoping that it would help calm my nerves. A burst of small breathless laughter escaped my lips while the song Paradise started to play. Somehow, that song explained how I felt and the situation that I was in.

I had been dreaming of paradise, somewhere that I could fit in from the age of five when everyone had turned against me. And now, I had set off on a journey, hoping that I would find a place that would be my home and people would take me in warmly, even with a "dark" past like mine.

"You should look out the window," a female's voice said, breaking through the music.

I glanced up startled to see a pair of blue/green/brown eyes staring at me with compassion. A small frown appeared on my face while I studied her, trying to see if I knew her or not. She had white hair that was pulled into a braid, hanging over one shoulder. Her lightish skin color made her look like a Porcelain Doll, but I could tell that she would be able to do some damage if someone attacked her.

There was a small smile on her face, while she waited patiently for me to answer her. After a while, she frowned before it turned into a scowl. "It is rude to keep staring like that," she warned.

I instantly looked down, my body tensing because I was waiting for a blow that I suspected would follow. "I-I'm sorry, Ma'am," I said, taking out an earbud. "I-I didn't mean to disrespect you." A small blush appeared on my face while I took in a deep breath of air. I knew that she was a Werewolf, but I didn't know from which pack.

The female's face broke out into a wide grin as she patted my arm. "It's all right, Dear," she said. "Now, why don't you look out the window. You are new to here, yes?"

I nodded, indicating that I was new to this place. "I'm afraid that I can't look out the window, Ma'am," I replied. "I'm afraid that I suffer from a really bad fear of planes." I couldn't help but chuckle. I wasn't afraid of heights, but I was afraid of planes.

"Then why are you one a plane, Love?" the old female asked, chuckling.

"It was quicker this way than waiting for someone from where I'm going to get me from where I used to live," I replied.

"Where are you going?"

"A family friend." I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "My father and adopted father's friend said that his family will take me in until I feel strong enough to go back to the place where I had grown up."

The female nodded her head, while the plane started to slowly descend, and I yelped in surprise. The female chuckled, and I playfully glared at her while I made sure that my seatbelt was on and tight. "I'm sure that you will be having questions for me, Love," she said. "My name is Amelia Grace." She grabbed hold of my hand and placed something in it. "Make sure you are alone when you read it, and do try to come alone when you come to see me. I know who you are, Rylan." She nodded her head in respect before the plane landed, and she left.

A look of shock appeared on my face when I heard her say her name and then mine. Who knew that the Oracle of the Wolves would sit right next to me, a Dud Werewolf with a rejected mate.

I shook my head while I stuffed whatever she placed in my hand into my pocket as well as my phone. I stood up and grabbed my bag, glad that I would finally be off this metal death trap.


I grabbed my carry on and slung it over my shoulder before grabbing my roller bag. I started to walk around, knowing that the person that would take me to where I needed to be was called Vulcan.

I had no idea who would name their child that, but I wasn't going to complain. I mean, my parents did name me a male's name. Rylan Regina Reece was my full name, and I do know that it had a lot of R's in it.

I shook my head, breaking me from my thoughts before I looked around to see if I couldn't spy someone with a sign that had my name on it.

And there, a couple of feet in front of me was a figure with a cloak covering their body and a pig's mask covering their face, holding a sign that said 'Rylan Reece.' Thankfully, the figure was too busy looking around that they didn't spy me.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my frayed nerves. My gray eyes flickered around to watch people pass by them without even looking at them. It was as if a veil was placed over their eyes, even though they moved around the figure.

I shook my head and started to back up slowly until I was away from the nerve-wracking figure. I hid behind a pillar that was a few feet away and started to calculate how I was going to get out of the airport, as well as find the pack that I had to find, without being seen by the figure.

I knew that I could use the debit card that my Alpha had given me to stay at a hotel, and I was sure that I could hack into some place to figure out where I was and where the pack was located. All I needed to do was make sure that I wasn't spotted by the hooded figure, which was probably in some sort of cult.

With that plan in mind, I nodded my head before leaving the safety from behind the pillar. A startled yelp escaped my lips when I saw that right in front of me was the figure, pointing to my name on the cardboard piece of paper. I didn't answer while I jumped back, my heart racing because I tripped over my bag and closed my eyes for the impact of the floor.

But, it never came. And when I opened my eyes, I saw that the figure's chunky hand was holding onto the front of my sweatshirt, and my heart pounded faster and faster in my chest while it moved up to my throat.


A/N: Dun Dun Dunnnnn. O.O She is in trouble now, ain't she? Anyways, I hope that you liked the second chapter.

Anyways, I hoped ya'll liked it.

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins.


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