Relationships Are Like Dominoes Once the First One Falls

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Best Friends with Benefits

Chapter One Ending:I love Connor. He loves me. And maybe it is in just a friendly manner, but I don't even care. I mean, who wouldn't give Connor a ride when they had the chance, if you knowwhatI mean. And trust me, it's worth it. Every damn second.

Chapter 2: Relationships are like dominoes, once the first one falls, good luck stopping the rest.

Katie's POV

"Fuck," I cursed, biting back a groan at the pain exploding in my stomach. I flopped onto my back with grunt, kicking the covers off of me and clutching my stomach. "Motherfu-"

"Whoa," Connor laughed coming out of bathroom, rubbing a towel across his wet hair before plopping it on the chair beside him. I didn't even have time to admire the way his towel hung low on his hips, the deep muscles pulling into a v leading towards the gold at the end of the rainbow when pain struck me again.

"Shit," Connor's smiled dissolved into a look of sympathy.

He opened his top right draw, pulling out some boxers, before dropping his towel to the ground and pulling them on.

Instead of ogling like I usually do, I rolled over, pulling my knees to my chest and let out a groan.

I heard him rummaging around before I felt the side of the bed dip down and a pair of warm hands roll me onto my back.

Connor lifted his shirt off my back which I had thrown on earlier when I woke up.

My bare chest against his bed didn't even faze me as his hands pressed into my lower back, massaging the pain away.

"Better?" Connor asked after a while, slowing his hand movements.

"Yeah," I nodded, slowly sitting up, and taking the bra he was handing out to me, clipping it on. I pulled his shirt over my head before walking over to his dresser and pulling a pair of running shorts.

He stuck out his hand, beckoning for me to take it before he led us out of the room, grabbing his box of movies from the shelf.

"Movie marathon?"

I nodded, giving him a small smile.

I loved how we switched so fast.

From benefits, to best friends.

And nothing was ever going to change that.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I immediately felt cold, noticing Connor had fled from the couch.

Connor's quiet voice filtered through the room and I dragged my eyes around groggily until they landed on his toned back.

"Adam," he snapped, running a hand through his dark hair, "how many times do I have to tell you, I don't lo-"

Connor cut off and I heard the faint sound of a voice coming through his phone.

"Whatever, man," I heard Connor say, anger melding into his words.

"Fucking -" Connor started, but trailed off with a sigh as I assumed Adam hung up on him.

I raised an eyebrow as he turned around and for a split second he froze, "Did you and Adam have your first fight?" I asked, mocking him with a little kid voice.

His laugh surrounded me, making my cheeks curl up into a smile.

His face turned serious, "Yes. I think we might be over," he pretended to sob, but only held it for a second, as his face broke into a laugh.

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