Some People Never Learn How to Stop at Red Lights

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Best Friends with Benefits

Chapter 3 Ending: "Hey guys," Connor said, walking up to the spot later that night, his arm loosely draped around a gorgeous brunette. I swallowed hard as he pulled his arm away only to wipe of the rock before she sat down on it. "Who's that?" I asked, my distaste coming out in my voice. Connor smirked at me before replying in his deep, husky voice, "Kate Silverman. My new girlfriend."

NOTE: There's a moment where he calls Katie "Kate". Don't get confused because his girlfriend's name is Kate. He's talking to Katie. It's just like a nickname. 

Chapter 4: Some people never learn how to stop at red lights.

Katie's POV

"So guys," Mackenzie said, circling around the couches in my living room as she filed her nails, "we have tomorrow, but we'll be shopping, and then we have Tuesday before our summer is over."

"What about today?" Alex asked from her spot on the couch, rolling her eyes as Lizzie pulled out a notepad, probably writing down all the possible things we could fit in before summer ended.

"Today," Mackenzie said, grabbing her nail filer and thrusting it towards Bex's face for added emphasis, "it decided to fucking pour, so therefore, it is unimportant to our summer."

"Well, it is hangover day anyway," Adam said, flicking the paper football he made across my wooden coffee table.

Connor turned away from Kate for the first time in hours to smirk and say, "I think you're boyfriend knows that better than any of us, McHenry," as he gestured towards Nick who was passed out, his feet hanging over the back of the chair, with one arm draped across his stomach and the other tightly pressed across his face, keeping the dark blanket blocking sunlight from his eyes.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes, muttering back a lame, "Whatever, Goode."

Jeremy typed away at his computer, most likely transferring Liz's notes into some weird program thing that took her ideas and plotted them onto a line graph. And knowing Jeremy, the entire program was probably designed by him in the first place.

"So, anyway," Mackenzie said, turning on her heel to walk away from the couch yet again, "we need to devise a plan. Today, we'll just do usual Sunday night sleepover, Monday morning shopping, Monday night we regroup at our own houses, and then Tuesday . . . we'll . . . um . . ."

As Mackenzie thought, she tapped her nail filer on her chin, her heels clicking with every step.

"Mackenzie," I growled, closing my eyes, "If you don't freaking stop walking, I'm going to rip those heels of your feet myself."

Mackenzie gave me a look as she sat down on the arm rest next to her possibly dead boyfriend, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What's up with you, Bitch-ie? You didn't even drink yesterday."

I glanced at Connor who was busy playing with Kate's hair as he leaned in close to whisper something in her ear.

With a roll of my eyes I look back to Mackenzie replying, "I was doing charity work."

"Oh," Liz said looking up from her notepad, "what kind of charity work? I would have loved to help."

Alex rolled her eyes, "Liz, you've already done all of your charity hours for high school, and probably me and Mackenzie's too."

"Acting," I told them. "And it was kind of a one-person job. Besides, it was literally the worst experience ever."

"Katelyn," Connor said, standing up from his spot on the floor, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure," I said, getting up and walking out without him, letting him follow after me.

Connor grabbed my arm as we walked past the laundry room, dragging me inside and slamming the door behind me.

His lips pressed against mine and my back slammed against the door as it closed behind us.

His arms caged in my head, as his lips trailed down my neck. A moan fell from my lips as he nibbled at my skin. "Connor," I said breathlessly, "what are you doi-"

"Fucking acting," he mumbled against my neck, trailing down to the top of my shirt and pressing a light kiss there.

"Connor, we can't be doing this," I told him.

His teeth grazed my skin, biting down there and leaving a mark.

It didn't even occur to me that I wouldn't be able to wear low cut shirts without people asking questions about my new hickey. Instead, my mind swirled with only thoughts of Connor.

Connor kisses trailed up the middle of the neck and I threw my neck back, closing my eyes to let him have easier access.

"Con," I started, planning on saying something, anything to figure out why he was acting like this, with his girlfriend only a few rooms away from us.

"What Kate? What is it?" Connor snapped, stepping away from me and leaving my leaning against the door panting. "What do you want? Do you want me to go get Liz so she can get some 'community service' time? Or maybe you want Ash because you love him so much. Or maybe you want me to get a fucking audience so they can watch you act. Huh? What do you want, Katie? I mean other than me since I'm a fucking charity case."

"Connor," I said, taking a step closer, and holding a hand out in front of me as if he was a child having a temper tantrum.

"What, Katie? What do you want me to be?"



"Well, what do you want me to do? Huh, Connor? Want me to go get Kate so you can stare at her the whole freaking time?"

"Yeah, well maybe if you didn't throw this fucking Andrew guy at me out of the blue, I would have adjusted easier."

"Yeah, well, maybe . . . maybe . . ." but it didn't matter that I couldn't find the words to say, because Connor's lips pressed to mine again and all I knew is that it felt good.

It felt right.

"Connor, we can't," I said, my fingers lifting the hem of his shirt up and over his head.

"Nope," he said, wrapping his arms back around my waist, lifting me up and sitting me down on the drier behind me, "we definitely can't do this."

And with that, his lips were on mine.

A/N: So a little shorter than usually, but it got everything it needed to in, so oh well. 

Oh and since someone asked, like most of my other stories, I don't really edit much . . . so yeah. No editing. Like ever. Anyone want to do it for me . . . PM me. ;D

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.

Also, updates will be quicker, I promise. And they'll be even faster if you VOTE and COMMENT. :)

Love you guys, as always.

-Love, Katie (Also, just realized, if you're like why did you name your main character after yourself? Well, Connor's girlfriend's name was already Kate and I like the fact that their two names are really close, so yeah. 

Best Friends with BenefitsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara