When You're Standing on an Ice Burg and it Starts Cracking,

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Best Friends with Benefits

Chapter 2 Ending: "Fine," she said, walking ahead of me. "We'll be nice to Ash. But if he breaks your heart . . ." she said. I laughed; catching up to my three best friends and looping my arms through theirs as we walked back to the spot. I knew Connor like I knew my favorite TV show. He wasn't in love with me.

Chapter 3: When you're standing on an ice burg and it starts cracking, you get the fuck of that ice burg.

Katie's POV

"So Ash," Mackenzie started, twirling a lock of her raven colored hair and leaning back into Nick, "Do you go to school with us?"

"Um," he cleared his throat, glancing at me before looking back to Mackenzie, "I will at the start of the school year."

"Gross." Alex said, leaning away from where she had been kissing Adam's neck. "We have to start school on Wednesday. That's only 3 days away."

Adam chuckled, pulling her back to him with the arms that were still firmly wrapped around her waist.

Mackenzie clicked her tongue, her eyes starring off into space as she mentally thought about something. "First thing Monday we're going shopping." I groaned and gave Connor a help-me-get-out-of-this look to which he just smirked at me. "All of you." Mackenzie added, turning to give a fierce glare at the boys who in turn let out their own groan. "You too Ash."

Ash smiled at me, leaning in to whisper on my ear. His hot breath ran down my neck but it didn't make me shiver like when Connor did it. "As long as you're there, I'm sure I'll find a way to keep myself entertained."

I smiled back at Ash as he leant away, mentally grimacing at that line. Just because I've slept with my best friend since I was 13 doesn't mean I'm easy.

"So, Andrew, how did you and Katie meet?" Connor asked, leaning forward to give Ash a cold look.

"Con," I said rolling my eyes, "give him a break."

"Kate," Connor said, turning to look at me, letting his glare soften a little, "he's a man. If he can't handle a simple question, how can he hand you and all your crazy anti-"

"Connor," I snapped, giving him my own glare before sending Ash an apologetic look, "sorry about that, Ash. You don't have to answer. Ignore him."

"It's fine, Baby." Ash told me, staring at me for a second before turning his attention back to Connor. "We met at a party."

"Was there alcohol there?" Connor asked, firing off his next question before Ash even finished his last answer.


"What was your plan? To get her drunk and then sleep with her? Douch-"

"Connor," I snapped grabbing his arm and sending him a stern look before smiling at Ash. "Really, just ignore him. He's being an asshole."

"I'm going home. Kate, let's go." Connor told me, pulling my arm and starting to drag me away from the group.

"Connor, we just got here and we never leave this early."

"Yeah you guys do," Mackenzie told us and Alex nodded in agreement. "Some nights you guys spend the whole first 15 minutes giving each other sex eyes and then one of you makes a lame excuse to leave and off you too go. Before it's even eleven o'clock."

I looked to Alex and Ellie for help, but them both were nodding appreciatively at what Mackenzie had said.

"What? No we do not," I told them, placing one hand on my hip causing me to brush against Connor since he was standing behind me.

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