Chapter 5

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"Can't believe Anti-Entropy's got enough Mechas to actually keep us occupied, seems like they're being drawn towards us. Almost like they knew we'd be here." 

Amongst the wreckage of metal and bodies, stood two imposing forces. Soleil split a Mecha apart with his sword while Durandal pierced and splintered her own targets. It was almost as if the two were dancing with each other more than they were battling their opponents. The Knight impaled a scythe wielding Zombie and reached towards his partner, Durandal seized his hand without a moment's hesitation leaning into his momentum as she was swung upward. Flames converged upon the weapons of both Valkyrie and Knight, as they incinerated a clump of Mechas and Zombies. 

Embers licked the battlefield as the two paired again and caught their breath. Durandal gave a scrutizing stare at Soleil. "You wouldn't have happened to have done something, did you?" 

And with his own exaggerated flare, he placed his left hand upon his chest, offended. "Why Captain, I have no idea why you would ever think I was involved in this. I've done nothing but uphold the mission and assisted you in- HEY LOOK OVER THERE!" 

Durandal, the S-Class Valkyrie and the universal strongest of the Shicksal Valkyries, a fierce and firm woman that held her duty above all else...was also a very naive and awkward girl. She bought the bait, hook line and sinker, rapidly turning toward where Soleil had pointed, lance raised in case it was an attack. 

But was only confused when she saw nothing within the environment around her. Suddenly, her hair whipped about in the air as a powerful gust almost blew her off her feet. A drone had flown overhead, dangerously close to where the pair were standing. Durandal, still confused, turned back to her companion-

And he was gone.

"Goddamnit SOLEIL!" 


A distant scream made him chuckle in both amusement and dread.

"Welp, she's gonna be mad at me for a while." Soleil had to count his lucky stars as Durandal came to the battle with her Valkyrie Gloria battlesuit and not her Godsbane. The former wasn't designed with thrusters in mind so she wouldn't be able to chase him if he went airborne. 

Otherwise he'd already be face down in the ground if she could help it. 

Bringing his hand to his ear, the radio clicked as he connected to Theresa. 

"Theresa! I've got Durandal in check, she'll be occupied for a while but what's the sitrep with the girls?!" Soleil's eyes narrowed as the drone closed in on the border of New Zealand, he could already see a field of white flowers and the tornado forming around it. 

"Kiana and the others won't be able to hold out much longer, you needa hurry Sol!" 

He gnashed his teeth. What the hell were they thinking, engaging a Herrscher, especially when Wendy was a skilled Valkyrie in her own right. His mind wandered to their numerous deployments together. Kindhearted, joyous and spritely. His thoughts ran a mile a minute. 

Why. Why did she become a Herrscher? 


Gales formed within her hands as they sharpened and spun, creating a screech as buzzsaws of pure winds were hurled toward the trio of Valkyries. White flowers stained with blood as the three struggled to take down the 4th Herrscher, who grinned with a savage delight. Mei rushed forward, lightning coursed through the blade, her movements mirrored by the crimson afterimages. 

Her blade was met with a wall of wind, with a burst, the raven haired Valkyrie was launched back. Kiana flanked, leaping in the air and bringing her foot down in an axe kick but Wendy shifted ever so slightly, the leg came down harmlessly and the Kaslana was blasted by a violent typhoon. Luckily, Bronya was there with Project Bunny to catch both her and Mei. 

"Wendy, please, we don't want to hurt you. Come to St. Freya and the Gem of Desire can be removed." 

Bronya reached out to the dual-toned Herrscher as the howling winds diminished, Wendy's eyes still glowed with the Honkai energy coursing through her body but the smaller Valkyrie noticed the light of humanity that sparked in her eyes once more. 

"They'll...they'll just hurt me again...just like last time. I don't want them to hurt me anymore, I just want to feel like myself!" Her anguish resonated with thr Valkyries. Bronya, especially. She stepped forward, Project Bunny helping her stagger with her injuries.

"The Bronya promises, no harm will come to Wendy, we want to helpt. Please trust in us." Her face was set in a deadpan but the genuine sincerity was clear.

The glow of her hair dimmed ever so slightly, her eyes reverted from their fierce glare. The winds died down and the flowers swayed in the renewed gentle breeze. The group and Herrscher heard a sudden thud as a new individual made their entrance.

Wendy snarled and whipped around, ready to shred the newcomer with severing winds.

But his gentle smile, and beautiful green eyes halted her entirely. She melted on her spot, her translucent wings vanished from her back and she stood there in disbelief.

"It's been a long time, hasnt it, partner?" A step forward from Soleil was mirrored by a step back by Wendy.

"S-Sol? What're you doing here? You weren't supposed to be here?? You were never meant to see me like this?!" Her raving went on as she clutched her head and spun away from the ever smiling knight.

Soliel shook his head, continuing to pace forward. "Maybe. But I should have known better. I should've checked in on you. I should've talked to you before you suddenly vanished." Her sobbing and hiccups tore at his heartstrings.

Finally, he wrapped his left arm around her stomach and held her firm to his chest. Wendy let out a surprise yelp as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"I should've been here with you, for you."

Any last defenses she had built was readily torn down by his heartfelt apology. She quickly pivoted around and embraced him fully, tears staining his shirt but Soleil wasn't concerned about it.

The girls witnessed as the once raging Herrscher, revert back to the meek girl that they had met first. They enjoyed their moment of respite and smiled upon the couple. A mission success it would seem.

"Oho? I do hope I'm not interrupting the budding of young love?"

A haughty woman's voice suddenly boomed out of nowhere. All the combatants scanned the area in alarm, especially so with Soleil and Wendy as they had gone back-to-back.

Mechas materialised and appeared from thin air, various miniguns, RPG's and rail cannons honed in on each of the Shicksal agents.

Unaware and caught off guard, the group scattered as Soleil suddenly lurched and wrapped himself around Wendy entirely.

And was promptly blasted in the back, a scorch mark seared into his clothes and flesh as the two took a tumble through the field. Wendy immediately recovered and scrambled out of his hold and held him in her arms.

Bronya had opened fire and severely injured an already exhausted Soleil, her Black Nucleus raiment already emerged and taken over her usual battlesuit. Project Bunny's cannon still smoking.

Kiana called to action but was similarly hit by a surprise attack, rendering her near unconscious as she was flung by a direct missile. Mei wasn't given a chance to even move as Mechas swarmed and pinned her down.

"Really, this is what Shicksal sends? A bunch of greenhorn brats and a singular, washed up Knight? Truly a disappointing force from a disappointing organisation."

The woman's words echoed amongst the robotic entities. Wendy panicked, eyes darting at any possible escape route.

But the encroaching army of metal gave no such opportunity.

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