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Pallavi's POV

I am back in Delhi. For the third time, after five long years.

This city has always gifted me pain. The same city where my parents got separated after signing their divorce. She being the only child was forced to choose between them and she chose to stay with neither of them but her grandparents.

She left this city for the first time and stayed in Mumbai with them. She was totally changed after that incident.

She interacted only with very few people but she was close to her grandparents. There she got a best friend, Farhan , who was the adopted child of their caretakers. Her grandparents treated both of them with equal love and care.

Farhan became her big brother , her best friend and the best guide in her baby steps. Her parents visited her occasionally but was mostly busy in their own world. After a point she decided to stop keeping hope on the revival of their relationship and focused on herself.

After her degree she decided to join a prestigious B school in Delhi. Her grandmother was no more by this time and her grandfather was not so into this idea. But Farhan who then started a successful startup company supported her idea and promised that he will be there with her nanu till she comes back. So she came back to Delhi for the second time.

But even Farhaan was worried about her safety. He kept reminded her that call him if she feels any trouble.

Now she really wished , if she had listened to her nanu and never came back to Delhi. Because this city again played with her emotions in the form of a handsome devil...

"No Pallavi. It's all over. You have moved on. Now you are here to work on your career. Just focus on it. And why should you think about a  person who just played with your emotions ?"

Pallavi reminded herself.

Its all over. He is no more there in your life. You are here to build your professional life. Don't let your past control your present.

But little did she knew that her past was waiting for her all these years....



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