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One day Dhruv suddenly disappeared from our life. He dropped out of college and went back to his him town. We asked him the reason but he didn't gave any proper reply.

Once he went away, he stopped contacting us. We tried to reached out to him numerous times but it seemed like he didn't wanted to face us then.

I felt like breaking everything around me . How could he decide something like this? If there was any problem, he could have shared it with me or Jatin. But why did he just  ran away like that? I needed answer. 

If  it's related to Divya, I had  already planned to give her a piece of mind. How could she just ignore my Dhruv like that? He is so innocent and genuine. 

It was then Esha came to meet me. I still remember that day, because it was the beginning point of my destruction.

 I still remember that day, because it was the beginning point of my destruction

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"Hi Raghav" she said in her usual honey coated tone.

"Esha, I don't have time for your drama now. I am already upset. So please leave." 

"I know Raghav. I really know you. That's why I want to tell you that you must stay away from that Pallavi." 

My blood boiled when she uttered my Pallavi's name with lot of hatred. 

"One more word about her and you won't like the consequences."

"Oh! So you are so hopelessly in love with that bitch , right."

"Eshaaa. . ." I almost raised my hands to slap her.

"Don't yell. I am talking the fact. Do you know that she is the reason why Dhruv disappeared from the college suddenly?"

"What? Pallavi is the reason why Dhruv dropped out from college? Are you, in your sense Esha?

"Yes I am. She is the one who instigated Divya against Dhruv. She is the one who advised her to broke all contacts with him. She  is the reason for Dhruv's heartbroken state. And ultimately she is the one behind all his miseries."

"If you are done with your lies then get out of my house."

My Pallavi can't do something like that.

"I knew you are so blind in her love Raghav. That's why I recorded the conversation between Pallavi and Dhruv."

What conversation? Then she showed me one video where I saw Pallavi and Dhruv sitting inside a café.

"Dhruv : You just can't see people being happy right. I wonder why Divya considers you as her close friend."

"Pallavi : Stop it Dhruv. Yes. I am freaking jealous of her. I can't see people getting happy with their life. I am the sole reason behind your every sorrow and pain. I am a freaking saddest."

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