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"Me? Some kind of hero or something? You've got the wrong person." Susie shot down the prince's prophecy and offer in an instant.

You would feel a little bad if it weren't for the fact that Susie wasn't exactly wrong. If she actually wanted to be, she could be hero material. But nothing in life could force Susie to do something.

"B-but Susie! Without you, the-the world will-" The prince stepped forward, his voice shaky.

"So what if the world gets destroyed? It's none of my damn business." Susie ran her fingers through her thick hair and let it fall back over one eye. She began to grit her teeth and gave a small shrug. "Might even be kind of fun, honestly."

More silence. You weren't angry or surprised. Just. Disappointed.

"If you two losers play pretend with this weirdo, stick around. I'm going to find a way out of here."

Calling three people names in one sentence? A new record.

"Susie, wait!"

The revving of an engine could be heard, and you couldn't react in time. A bike rammed into Ralsei, sending him off. A loud gasp left your lips and you covered your mouth. Damn, okay.

On the bike, with paper flames taped on it, was a small spade figure, like the one you saw earlier. He held a button in his hands and pressed it. Explosionsound.mp3 and motorcycle noises 10 hour compilation. He tossed it aside and looked at the three of you.

"Ho ho ho! The heroes are already running away! And they didn't even know I was here..." He grinned proudly and put his hands on his hips. "Dad is gonna make me son of the month!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Susie demanded, angry as ever.

"Son of the month, apparently." You mumbled and crossed your arms.

A stifled laugh came from Kris, and they quickly cleared their throat afterwards. You grinned, not having had them laugh before. Even if it was barely audible, it was still something. You had to make them actually laugh, maybe one day, when you weren't trapped in a funky closet.

"I'm..." The boy awkwardly shifted from side to side, turning the bike around to do a 360. It took a minute. He did it. "The bad guy."


"You clowns want to seal our dark fountain, huh?!" He said this with a determined look in his eye. "And (still picturing you guys as clowns) save the world from eternal darkness, huh?!"

You winced. He wasn't screaming or shouting, but he was just so loud. It had to be some kind of talent to be so loud without hurting your voice. When half the time you were sleeping or scolding Susie, there wasn't much need to be so extra. He seemed like the type to use the clown emoji and the laughing crying emoji if he were in the real world.

"Eh." Susie shrugged.

"Maybe? I have school work to do." You said with an unsure expression. You did. Only god knows what your parent would do if you slacked off on your school work. No dark fountain could be scarier. Not to mention you kinda wanted a nap. Saving the world was something that you've daydreamed about in class but... That sounded like it would take a lot of time.

"Don't try to deny it!" It was like you two didn't even respond. "We all know you'll go east! It's your only way home! But I, LANCER! Won't let you go there! And I got the perfect plan to ensure it."

The Delta-Simps//Deltarune FanficWhere stories live. Discover now