Be Alright

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"Adriana" his voice comes out barley above a whisper. He looks at me with longing eyes which hold so much love.

"Dad" I answer. A smile lights up his face and I pull him into a hug. Hugging me back he holds me close and rests his chin on my head. I feel his heartbeat in his chest as it pounds against my ear.

"They got you back... I got you back." Is all he mutters

Pulling  away I look up at him. "You got me back, but we need to get out." I tells him.

Sighing he looks down away from me. "We can't. I've tried and theres no way out."

"You tried when it was just you, there's two of us now. It's worth a try." I answer him.

"I have a way out the room, but not the fences." He responds.

"Show me." I say. He does as I ask and guides me to the corner of the room where there's built in bench. He unscrew the nails with a hidden screwdriver, pulling then bench forward, he reveals our way out.

"If we go together we can sneak out, and fight where we need to." He says determinedly.

"Let's go then."

Alfonso's POV:

She's been missing for over a week. The airport we found had no flights leave since November, another dead end.

Everyone has become different in some way. Riccardo, Marco and Enrico have been killing Russian men nonstop, leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night. Enzo and Ezio haven't left the computer room, trying everything they can to track down our sister. Blake's been ordering around his Mafia, even though his father still runs it, they listen to his every command, and then he come over at night and sleeps in Adriana's room. Nonna and our aunts and Eva have been moved to a safe house, which is guarded by our best men and our uncles. Nario and Gavino go out everyday, searching the city for more Russians for Larzo. And he is the worst of all. I have never seen Larzo lose himself so much, not even when Papa was killed. He practically lives in the basement now, torturing and killing every Russian brought through our doors, and when he hasn't killed his fill, he becomes moody with everyone else, even me. Yesterday I had to tackle him to the floor before he stabbed Marco after he didn't come home with a Russian to be tortured.

Our life is falling apart without her.

"AL! GET UP HERE NOW!" I hear the twins yell in sync. I bolt up the stairs, all the way to the security room. If I can hear them through so many floors they must have found something.
"What is it?!" I ask as soon as I get in the room, finding the rest of my brothers and cousins there already with Nonno and the twins.
"The airport, the Russian one."  Ezio answers.
"For fuck sake Ezio! We already checked the flight plans!" I yell, disappointment being covered with the fury of my voice.
"The flights, but not the plane sheds." He says.
"What?" The rest of us ask the twins, utterly confused.
"The car went inside the night she was taken, but no cars or planes ever left." Enzo says.
"Which means?" Riccardo questions, he really can be thick at times.
"That she's either still there, or they used a tunnel to move her from underground, and she may still be in the country." Larzo clarifies, and for the first time in a week, his face was not a more stern cold then mine.
"Call Blake, I want all the man power we can get. We attack tonight." I order.

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