Chapter-12 Memories

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Chapter's been edited byBabushkas_ 

After that dreadful night nothing was the same. There were many questions still left unanswered.

The Mystic Falls Gang had questioned Regulus many times but he only replied with, "I'm not allowed to answer," or , "All will be answered in the near future." These replies only annoyed them as they wouldn't do anything but wait.

Out of all of them Elijah had been the most worried. Adhara had been there that night and he wondered if anything that happened then had affected her. But Regulus had assured him that everything was fine, after all the protections that James had done on her were there and after his death he still protected his beloved niece.

He has wanted to ask about Sirius and Peter's absence but Regulus had told him he couldn't answer any of those questions due to some privacy spell. He eventually accepted that Sirius was not there for his little girl, but was relieved when Remus stepped in as the father figure when needed.

Regulus said that her main adventure would begin when she went to Hogwarts. All were confused by this except for Finn as Dumbledore had told him what had happened.

Regulus: I will tell you everything about The Wizarding World once Adhara turns 11 in these memories. (All of them reluctantly agreed.) With that being said I won't be able to show you her entire childhood as I had been instructed to from the other-side but I can tell you about it.

Elijah and the others were upset that they couldn't see it for themselves but they could still hear about it so they agreed. With that Regulus had started telling them about Adhara.

Regulus: Lets begin with some background information. Dumbledore, Krystal, and Remus had decided that Adhara would use the Potter surname for protection.

As he was saying this Jeremy cut him off, " But Sirius' surname was Black. So why would she need protection?"

Regulus:I was just about to get into that Mr. Gilbert. Let me give you a quick summary. The Black family in the Wizarding World is the equivalent to the Mikaelson family in the Supernatural Society. (He said with a proud smirk.)

Everyone but the Vampires were confused what exactly does that mean.

However Stefan and Damon understood, The Mikaelson's were like Royalty. Rose and Katherine had told them about the Originals reputation.

While the Mikaelson's at first were quite shocked but soon after they felt proud. No matter what, their girl was still considered royalty.

Jeremy: Wait so if the Originals are like Gods in the Supernatural World wouldn't that mean that the Black family is also considered to be Royalty and everyone is afraid to mess with you guys. (He had deduced thinking out loud once again all the while shocking everyone. They marveled at how quick Jeremy was to process and connect things.)

Regulus just smiled and said, " You're on the right track Mr. Gilbert and I'm impressed with your analytic abilities." As he complimented him, Jeremy couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed.

Regulus: In our British Wizarding World we have 28 sacred families, made up of all the Noble and Most Ancient Houses. Our bloodline has existed for centuries. It's like the Duke and Duchess family royal court. The Noble and Ancient Houses would be the different branches and so on. You get the gist of what we would be dealing with, right? (He had asked wondering if they understood what he was saying or not.)

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