Chapter Six

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The next morning, Ajmal wakes up and looked beside him, he saw a dazzling face sleeping peacefully, remembering what happened last night, Ajmal was feeling guilty.

" How am I going to face Amal now, well this is what she not supposed to feel bad and it's not my fault, and this woman beside me is indeed a beauty" Ajmal looked at Dina once again.

Dina opened her eyes and saw a handsome face looking back at her. She smiled and said " Good morning your majasty"

Dina blushes remembering what happened last night.

" And why are you smiling like that" said Ajmal

" Just remembering what happened last night..thank you my king for making it a memorable one"

Ajmal ignores her. Dina moved out of the bed and said

" Your majasty please excuse me, I need to take my bath"

Ajmal noticed a slight blood stain on the bed sheets" so this girl was a virgin, that impressing"

He stopped her when she was about to opened the bathroom  door.

" Wait!!, what that your name again"

" Ohh!!! My king don't tell me you don't even know my name"

" If I know your name will I be asking you"

" Well, your majasty my name is Dina sound beautiful right?

Ajmal repeat the name after her and moving out of the bed and said " you can go and take your bath and I will asked the maid to changed your bed spread.

" Thank you" said Dina with a smile on her face, she entered the bathroom.

Ajmal watched her as she entered the bathroom

" Now I have accepted that I have a second wife, am sure Amal will be so happy to hear the news"

With a smile on his face Ajmal wears his clothes and leaves the room.

Meanwhile, at the dining table Amal was waiting anxiously For Ajmal and Dina to have their breakfast.

" It unlike of Ajmal to be late for breakfast" she thought to herself.

She sighted Khalid and asked him about King Ajmal

" Assalamualaikum my queen"

" Walaykum salam Khalid, have you seen the king this morning?"

" No my queen have not seen him this morning, but am sure he is still in queen Dina's room" . With that Amal dismissed Khalid.

She was now devastated. " Something must have happened between them last night, but Amal this is what you wanted for Ajmal and Dina to get along with each other so why are you sad, you should be happy for them" she thought to herself. But her heart feels sad.

Ajmal walked down the stairs after dressing up. He noticed Amal sitting at the dining table alone with her head down. Amal noticed Ajmal appearance and her mood brighten.

" Good morning my king" said Amal with a smile on her face. Ajmal replied and kiss her on her forehead.

" Am so sorry for keeping you waiting, I..I..slept off"

" Don't worry my king I understand and where is Dina" said Amal trying not to show her sad mood.

"Am here" shouted Dina walking down the stairs looking elated.

Amal seeing her mood knows something has happened.

" Good morning queen Amal"

" Morning to you too queen Dina"

" I apologised for being late for breakfast because last night was  fantastic, don't worry I will gist you later"

" Please let eat because am famished" said Ajmal trying to stop Dina from talking further. Amal understand the situation and just said " ye...yes let eat"

They all started eating their food in silence with there own different thought.

" Your majasty, the senior queen is back" said the chief butler carrying two traveling bags inside.

A woman in her mid fifty walks into the palace elegantly.

" Mother you are here, you supposed to be back after two months" said Ajmal looking surprised.

"  Haha!! You don't even welcome your mother before you start asking me questions, am so  delighted that I have to come back early to see my new wife"

" Welcome back mother" said Amal but she walked pass  her and sat beside Dina.

" Am sure this is your new wife right... Ajmal"

" Yes mother she is my new wife" replied Ajmal

" Hmmm.... he now recognized her as his new wife, after him saying he will never accept her....MEN!!!!" Amal thought to her self and looked at Ajmal with an angry face

" Assalamualaikum mother" Dina greeted the senior queen with a bright smile on her face

" Walaykum Salam dear, am so happy to see you,welcome to the royal family"

"Thanks  mother" replied Dina

Amal looked at the senior queen and said " am sure you are so hungry right now...let me dish your food "

" No don't worry Amal, let Dina served my food"

" There is trouble" Amal thought to herself. She lost her appetite, she was just steering at the food in front of her with different thought in her mind.

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