Chapter Seventeen.

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The shout was so loud that even the palace wall shakes.

Everyone in the palace was wondering what will makes the king to shout like that, so they hurriedly came to meet the king standing at Amal's entrance. They were shocked to see Amal and Khalid on the same bed.

Amal and Khalid immediately opened their eyes after hearing the noise. The two of them were confused to see each other on the same bed and also alot of people looking at them angrily.

Amal was shocked, she have no idea how come Khalid end up in her bed.  That moment is just as if the ground should open up and swallowed her. She started shedding tears looking at Ajmal's angry face.

" My king!!!! Please I have no idea how this happened... nothing happened between the queen and i" said Khalid in tears. And hurriedly wearing his cloth.

Ajmal just steered at the both of them, and said.

" Those it means this has been happening in my palace for a long time and I have no idea.. Khalid I took you as my own brother, I share everything with you, I never make you feel that you are just a servant...and you dare do this to me after everything have done for you Khalid" said Ajmal looking very angry.

" My king please forgive me... I don't know how I got into queen Amal room am so confused..the only thing I remember was..."

When Dina noticed that he was about to talk she quickly stopped him and said " my king why are  you talking to a shameless man, am sure both of them have been doing this for a while now..the two of them deserved to be punished"

Ajmal called the securities to take Khalid away and lock him up in the cell.

" My king please believe me am saying the truth nothing happened" said Khalid struggling with the securities as they take him away.

Ajmal looked at Amal who was still sitting on the bed with her head down, she used the bedsheet to wrapped her body from being exposed.

She was mute with tears in her eyes. She couldn't even looked up to look at Ajmal in the face.

" Amal!!!! You are a shameless woman. How dare you commit Zina( adultery) right under my nose.
When everyone rejected you, I accepted you Amal. With everything that happened to you..I still stand by you and marry you. I love and care for you Amal, even when the doctor said that you can't conceive I still went ahead and marry you, and I don't even want to get married to Dina, because of the love I have for you Amal. Now is this how you repay me after all the things have done for you" Ajmal was Heartbroken

Amal finally found her voice and said " your majasty,  am so confused right now...I don't even know how Khalid get in my bed... please believe me Ajaml I know nothing about what just happened. An..and nothing happened between us, please!!!" Amal was seriously begging with tears in her eyes.

" Quiet!!! You shameless dog. Ajaml have always told you that this girl is always pretending...she never loved you the same way you loved her, am sure this has been happening between her and Khalid for a while now. Now you have seen her true colour..the best thing is for you to divorce her and sent her out of this palace" said senior queen looking at Amal in a disgusting way.

" Mother is right my king. I never believed that queen Amal can really do such a shameful thing, I usually sees her and Khalid together but I never know that something is happening between them. Am sure she want to try another man since you are unable to impregnate her, after all the love you showed towards her she betrayed your love for her. 
And  this is the woman you asked Amira to be closed to, am sure she is going to teach her alot of bad king you really need to send her out of this palace so that she won't be able to teach the princess the bad character that she has. Am so disappointed in you queen Amal" said Dina.

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