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Dad left me in the office with Lucian. He said if the meeting with the man went downhill Lucian was capable of protecting me better than anyone. My brothers weren't too happy about it though.

I was sitting on the couch that was placed in the corner of the office. Lucian was in a chair sitting opposite of me.

"Who's out there?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said. I've learned he wasn't much of a talker. But he seemed ok with speaking with me. I decided to test it out.

"Um, h- how old are you?" I asked him. It was a basic question but I was curious.

"Twenty-nine, darling." He said.

"Really! Your twelve years older than me!" I said. Lucian chuckled.

"Indeed I am." Lucian said. I didn't mind him being that much older but he probably wouldn't like a teenager.

"You should ask m- me a question." I said. Lucian raised a brow amused.

"Alright, did you have a boyfriend when you lived with Jolie?" He asked. That was a very blunt question.

I shook my head. "No, I wasn't allowed any friends." I said. Lucian nodded.

"Have your brothers explained what a mate is?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes, it's what the couples call their spouse." I said.

"Good. Would you want to be a mate?" He looked at me intensely.

"I suppose if I liked the person." I said.

"So if someone asked you now you'd say no?" He raised a brow.

"I- I don't know a- anybody." I said. I'd probably freak out if Lucian asked me. Besides it's only been a day.

"Of course." Lucian said. He looked away for a second before looking back towards me. "Do you trust me?" He asked.

"I- I guess." I nodded. I felt like I should trust him.

"Do you know that every other guy here is a douchebag and you should never get involved with them?" He looked at me with a questioning look.

"Y- yes. I- I've gathered that." I said. Lucian nodded.

He didn't say anything after that. I realized he probably went back to not talking much.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before the office door was opened suddenly. Lucian stood up quickly to see who it was.

It was my dad. "The meeting went well. I'll tell you about it later Lucian." He said. Lucian nodded.

"Dad it's almost two." Zane said as he came into the office.

"Let's go to the warehouse than." Dad said. What was the warehouse?

"We can't leave Emily here." Darius said. All four men looked at me.

"Want to see where the mafia business happens?" Dad asked me. I looked at my brothers and Lucian. They didn't seem like they wanted me to go, especially Lucian.

"I- I, uh, I don't have to." I finally said.

"I would not like you to see this side of my work this early but it will happen eventually." Dad said.

"I'll g- go than." I said.

"Very well. You will have to stay near one of us at all times." Dad said. I nodded.

"I don't like this." Lucian expressed.

"Do you want me to show her your basement." Dad poked his finger at him. Lucian grumbled something and walked out the door. I wonder what is in his basement?

Dad shook his head at Lucian and led me out to his truck. My brothers got onto bikes. Lucian however wasn't in sight. Did he already leave?

"This man is an actual psycho." I heard my dad mumble. I was confused on who he was talking about until I saw Lucian coming out of the building holding a knife. What was he doing with it? Was he going to hurt someone?

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"He's attached to that Damn thing. He's always playing with it." Dad said. He seemed upset about it. "I'll be damned if I let him near you with it."

I looked back out the window. Lucian was heading towards a big black truck.

"Doesn't he have a motorcycle?" I asked. My dad shook his head.

"Yes but he doesn't ride it much." He said.

"Why not?" I watched Lucian pull out of his spot. We pulled out after him.

"He got in a bad accident a few years ago." Was all dad said. I didn't want to pry to much.

We drove in silence for the ten minute trip to the warehouse. When we got there it I was surprised on how large it was. It was a giant brick building. We pulled up to two large garage doors with a small door to the left of them.

"Ok, this is the warehouse. I have to warn you that the men here are scarier than the men at the club." Dad warned.

"Ok." I nodded. I was ready to face them. I had to adapt to this world now.

Before I even opened my door, it was already opened. Lucien stood there waiting for me to get out.

"Thank you." I said and stepped out of my dads truck. I stood a little bit away from Lucian. I was kind of nervous what he would do with that knife he had.

"Stay by my side." Lucian said. I nodded. I guess I really didn't have a choice.

I followed him him after my brothers and dad. They all seemed to go stoic when they stepped through the door.

When we entered the warehouse there were some men walking around and inspecting big boxes on shelves. Some of them stopped and watched as we walked in. They looked at me weird and I moved closer to Lucian.

Dad nodded at them and continued walking. He led us up a staircase and to an elevator. It had three buttons. One for the main floor, one for the second, and one for the third. Dad pushed the one for the third floor.

Once we got there he stepped out and led us to an office. It looked similar to the one at the club.

"This is my office, if you ever come here alone come straight here.." Dad said. I nodded.

"I need to go over some paperwork so I need Zane to stay here please. You three may go take Emily on a tour. But she does not leave your sight!" He pointed to both Lucian and Darius. "And Lucian, please keep your Knife away from my daughter." He said. Lucian raised a brow but nodded.

"Let's go than." Darius said. I followed him and Lucian out of the office.

Let me know if you want me to write more.

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