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After dad ordered everything I picked out and Zane came back with the papers Lucian had finished, we basically sat in silence while dad went through them. Eventually I decided to say something.

"Do you t- think I could g- go see Lucian's office?" I asked. I really wanted to see what it looks like.

"Sure. Zane will take you." Dad said.

"I was just in there." Zane fought.

"Take your sister to Lucian's office." Dad said sternly. Zane huffed but got up anyway.

"H- he doesn't h- have to." I didn't want to trouble Zane if he was doing something.

"He will go." Dad said leaving no room for arguments. I just gave in and allowed Zane to lead me to Lucian's office.

I followed him into Lucian's office, which to no surprise, was bare.

I let my eyes wander while Zane and Lucian talked about something. It was probably for the club but I didn't have any desire to hear it.

Suddenly the office door flew open and a girl with long brown hair stormed in wearing a sliver dress. It was like one of those dresses you would wear to a party or something. I've never been able to wear one or even see someone else wearing one. She was pretty in it though.

The girl ignored Zane and I and just moved her way around Lucian's desk. Her hand landed on his arm as she leaned into him.

"I'm back from my trip!" She said. I wonder if they were together. Not that I cared. I'd only just met him anyway.

"Don't touch me, Shay." Lucian flicked her hand away like it was a bug.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." Shay smiled. She was kind of annoying.

"I don't like being touched." Lucian said simply. He was trying to make a point.

"Whatever." Shay finally looked up and noticed Zane and I. She didn't seem so happy. "Oh, Zane is that your girlfriend?" Shay looked me up and down. It wasn't a very nice look.

"No, my sister." He stated.

"Oh how nice! I'm Shay, Lucian's girlfriend." She smiled and stuck her hand out. I almost took it to be polite but Zane pulled my arm back. Did he not like her?

"Get out of my office Shay!" Lucian glared at the girl. Shay didn't seem to mind, instead she placed her hand back on his arm.

"You don't want me to leave." Shay said sweetly, or at least tried.

"Shay, I don't like being touched." Lucian said again. Does that mean he didn't like me sitting with him yesterday? I looked down at my hands to avoid his eyes.

"You didn't say that the other day when you were fucking me." Shay turned around and left the room. It shocked me how she could talk like that so openly. I also felt something stir inside me when she spoke about her and Lucian. I wasn't sure what it was but it wasn't a good feeling.

"Lucian." Zane said almost warning him. It apparently didn't work because Lucian jumped out of his seat and took off after Shay. He must not have liked what she said.

"Stay here." Zane said before going after him. Of course I listened. Well partly.

I peeked around the office door to see what was happening. I hadn't expected to see Lucian pinning Shay against the wall with a knife to her throat. My brothers and dad were trying to calm him down, it wasn't working.

Lucian had a creepy look on his face and leaned down to speak. "You may be new around here, but that does not mean you come into my office and say things that are not true." He brought the knife away from her throat and pressed it on her cheek. I winced as a stream of blood started to flow.

Why would he cut her? It scared me and reminded me of my mother.

"Don't ever disrespect me in front of Emily or at all. Understand." Lucian dragged the knife further down her face. Shay closed her eyes and nodded. "I can't hear you." Lucian said.

"Y- yes." Shay said. Her voice was shaky.

Lucian suddenly backed away and dropped his knife. As soon as it hit the floor I ducked back into the room. My breathing was heavy. I was scared. Who wouldn't be after they just saw someone drag a knife across someone else's skin.

The office door opened and Lucian walked in. His expression was neutral until he spotted me cowering away in a chair.

"Darling?" He took another step closer. He must have realized he scared me because he stopped and backed away.

Fear flashed through his eyes. It was the first emotion I've seen him express fully. His whole demeanor changed as well. He didn't bother to say anything else and just left the room.

Zane came into the room seconds later. "Did he hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head no. I felt the same way I did back home. A scared little girl with fear of someone hurting her if she stepped in the wrong direction.

"Where did that fucker go?" Darius stomped into the office. When he saw me huddled in the chair he got mad. "Did he hurt you?" Darius asked the same thing Zane did. Again I shook my head no. Was it so possible that Lucian would have hurt me like Shay?

"Just let him go." Dad came into the office. He seemed stressed. I hadn't noticed that before.

"He has to be here for the club!" Darius argued. That was a good point.

"He is here. We just won't see him." Dad shrugged. What did he mean? Where would he go that we won't see him? "Let's get Emily home." Dad finally said and gestured for me to follow him. I got up and followed him out. Just like I've been doing the whole time I've been here. Even though I'm getting more comfortable, I'm too scared he'll get mad if I don't listen.



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