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Last night we didn't go all the way. Emily is still too nervous and I won't push her.

"I am aware of your nightly prowls, but you need to focus on Jolie right now." Logan stated. We were in his office while Emily and the other boys were in the club. We were at the real club today, Logan needed to get work done.

"I have an itch I can't scratch. I need some satisfaction." I said. Logan sighed

"Murdering someone in my basement is not getting you anywhere." He said.

"You know I can easily hurt someone I don't want to." I said.

"Like who? Emily?" Logan asked. He crossed his arms while he waited for me to answer.

"Fuck no. If I hurt Emily I pray you'll kill me before I go crazy." I said darkly. Emily was the one thing in my life I never will lay a hand on in a harmful way.

"If you hurt any of your men or mine, you'll be dead anyway." Logan said. "You better get that under control, Lucian. You've been here since you were sixteen and if you turn back into what you were, I will lock you up." He said. There was no arguing with his tone. I knew I would be worse than Rage if I went back to that.

"Fine." I stood up and left. I didn't want to be there anymore.

I headed up to the VIP balcony where Emily was. She was sitting at the bar next to Bruiser.

"Hey, Alpha, what's wrong?" Cerberus asked. I gave him a look signaling to let it go.

"Luci?" Emily reached for me when I got close enough. Her little nickname for me caused warmth to flood through me. Emily loved me, Emily won't leave me.

"I'm alright, darling." I assured her. Emily nodded but I don't think she believed me. I gestured for the prospect behind the bar to get me a drink. Cowboy worked downstairs.

"We were talking about what needed to get down. Yesterday was a nice break but we still have a lot of work to do. And we still have to look for Jolie." Bruiser said. I nodded in agreement.

"I think I have an idea where she is at. I've been working on it since last night and finally got a ping from her phone." Hex said. "She was across the street from Logan's house."

"What is she doing there!" Rogue asked.

"Probably checking it out." Hex said.

"This is bullshit! Why don't we just go get her? She's right there!" Ghost asked.

"She still has men around her." Rage decided to chime in.

"Correct. Plenty of men have been protecting her while she goes on with her day. If we just go in there we might not make it back out." Hex said.

"Can we be certain that Josie is not causing this anymore?" Emily asked. She was still worried about her friend. They had been keeping her a few miles out of town but it's been a few weeks since Emily has seen her.

"Yes, we can bring her back in but you'll have to ask you dad for final vote." I said. Emily smiled. Josie was her first friend besides the girls.

"I'm going to ask him now!" Emily jumped up and headed for the stairs, Zane quickly followed.

"How are you actually doing? Don't lie." Bruiser asked quietly. The boys were having their own conversations, expect for Rage, he joined us.

"Something triggered it again." I said taking a drink of the drink I was given.

"Maybe Emily's mom?" Bruiser asked.

"Maybe it's Emily." Rage suggested. I gave him a side glare.

"How the fuck would Emily bring it back!" I asked.

"She's the most important thing in your life, besides the club." Rage shrugged.

I thought about it. I could just be feeling over-protection towards Emily. I don't know how else it would be her fault.

"Maybe your right, Rage." I nodded. Rage nodded as well.

"It's ironic that Rage doesn't have a girl." Bruiser chuckled. Rage only had to give Bruiser one look before he shut up. "Sorry Rage, it's true though." Bruiser said.

"If I wanted a girl, you know I could." Rage stated. It was true. Most girls liked him for his face and muscles. Than they learn he is in a MC and leave. Complete opposite of our bunnies.

"Yes we know Rage. We are reminded of that every time we go to town." Bruiser rolled his eyes.

"I'm going back to the clubhouse, it's quiet." Rage gave Bruiser a small glare before leaving.

"Rude." Bruiser scoffed.

"You are." I said.

"Whatever, I gotta go make sure the bikes are cleaned." Bruiser got up. I nodded towards him as he left.

I started heading back downstairs to see what Logan and Emily were talking about. All I could hear was Logan saying no. I decided it was my turn to intervene.

"What is going on?" I asked. I acted as if this topic was knew.

"Emily wants Josie to come back and move into the huge family house." Logan explained. I shook my head.

"Unless someone inspected everything and the locks are all changed." Lucian said.

"We aren't going back there until things are normal." Logan slammed his hand on the table. I noticed Emily flinched slightly and quickly went to stand next to her.

"Hex found her across from the house." I said.

"We better have a plan by the end of the week than."

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