Chapter 5

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Toren hadn't noticed the couple standing against the wall. Probably the parents to the little rascals that continued to attack Mark and Estella, not noticing the shift in the room.

The man that had spoken smiled, "I'm Nick Miller, Alpha of the pack around here and acting mayor of this town."

Toren straightened, tensing up and now more awake then he was before. So this was the alpha he was dreading speaking to?
He eyed the man from head to toe and he had to admit, he would've likely been able to tell, if they'd passed on the street. Every bit of the man oozed power and radiated wolf. He didn't need a good sense of smell to see that this man was large and in charge.
The part that threw him off the most was how fine he seemed with being in the same room as a very obvious bear. Wolves and bears didn't really get along, as far as he knew. He was surprised the bear was even in town, let alone an officer and clearly familiar with the company of wolves, since he was in an entire room full of them, messing around as if he was one of them.

Toren blinked curiously. He wished he knew a bit more about other shifters. This pack was beginning to intrigue him. If they tolerated the presence of a bear, he didn't see why they would even bat an eye at the presence of a simple owl.

"Will you give me a second?" Toren asked, realizing he was only wearing a pair of sweats and he was in complete disarray after being startled awake. His hair was probably sticking out every which way and it was difficult to take the situation seriously when he felt a little too casual. Not to mention he wanted to collect himself before having to speak with the Alpha. This was not at all how imagined meeting him.

"Of course," Nick nodded.

"Sorry about disturbing you," Estella gave him a sheepish smile as she apologized for the lot of them.

Toren smiled and nodded back before retreating back up the stairs. What a way to start his day.

He hastily washed his face and changed into clothes from the day before. He realized he was out of outfits, he needed to get into his car to get something else, later.
When he checked his phone it was only one in the afternoon. He mentally groaned. These early hours were going to be the death of him.
Maybe it was time to start thinking about switching his schedule around?

Nah. That was too hard.

He sighed and headed back down the stairs. He noticed while he was changing, that the commotion had started back up again, though a lot less screaming this time around.

When he came into the room, he also noticed they were all a bit more composed as well. The couple was no longer lying on the floor, instead playing with the kids that were climbing in their lap and running around, narrowly avoiding the furniture.
The Bear was standing with the woman, whom he still didn't know the name of, talking. Alexander, the young man, had occupied himself with listening to the alpha, and who Toren assumed to be his wife, talking with the couple. Betty was also in on their conversation.
Toren was beginning to notice the older woman had some influence with the alpha, he looked at her with respect and warmth, much as everyone else in the room seemed to.

A lot like his mother. Just, she wasn't a werewolf like Betty. Though he had to admit she would've made a pretty good one.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets realizing this time he did go unnoticed. He usually walked quietly and his scent sometimes came after he was even there at all. This was more naturally him, his presence like a gentle breeze on a warm summer's eve.

"Mr. Miller," Toren greeted when there was a pause in their conversation. The Alpha looked up at him and he continued, "Hello, sir, it's nice to meet you. I'm Toren Grettly." He stuck his hand out and the alpha stood and shook it.

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