Chapter 17

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Toren managed to stammer out what'd happened to the emergency line, though he couldn't seem to put together a proper sentence as everything flew through his mind.
There was always the risk of their attackers coming back to finish the job. He was pretty sure he said as much. The woman on the other end handled everything well, trying to calm him down and get him to breathe so she could get the proper information. Frankly, he was surprised he even managed to speak. He was scared. More so that he'd put Alexander in harm's way. That Alex wouldn't make it.
At some point he hung up and started to crawl over to where the wolf lay, panting. He felt sick to his stomach, but he needed to make sure he was okay. He couldn't let him bleed out on his floor after risking his life to protect him.
This was Alexander. Happy, carefree, wild, and always ready for an adventure. The thought of losing him, even after the short period of knowing him, made his heart sink and whole body shake to keep him up.

"Alex?" He reached out to touch the light colored fur, his fingers burying themselves in the wiry coat. Just feeling the warmth radiating from him seemed to relax him a little. "Alex?"

The wolf huffed and slowly peeled open an eye, he growled lightly and then lifted his head to brush his nose against Toren's cheek. A hot, wet tongue lapped out and left a trail of saliva on his face.
He would've, under normal circumstances, been grossed out, especially by the fact that there was blood mixed in with it. But all he could do was feel relieved. Tears blurred his vision and his chest tightened.

"I'm so sorry," he buried his face in his hands.

Bones popped and cracked followed by a muted grunt, then hands covered his own, prying them from his face.
He looked up at Alexander, his face a blur among the myriad of unshed tears.

"None of this is your fault," Alex didn't hesitate saying, taking on a firmness. He brushed his thumb over Toren's cheek. "We're both alive, that's all that matters. Are you hurt anywhere?" He began to look him over.

Toren blinked rapidly, pressing his lips firmly together. He wanted to protest. To tell him he was wrong. "I... I don't know."

Alex's attention shifted to his head and he grimaced. "You shouldn't move, you might have a concussion."

It felt so minor compared to the blood running down Alexander's shoulder. He huffed and took Alex's hand, moving it to apply pressure on the wound. "You're bleeding, you should be worried about yourself."

Alexander cracked a smiled. "How about I worry about you and you worry about me." He wrapped an arm around Toren and pulled him back until they were leaning against the wall.
Alexander sagged against it in relief and Toren couldn't help but do the same. He felt like all the life drained right out of him, the hammering of his heart slowly dying down.

"Please, be careful next time," Toren tsked under his breath and gave Alexander's hand extra pressure before retracting it to his lap.

Alexander hissed and looked down at his shoulder, pressing firmly against the bleeding wound. "We're lucky they didn't have guns." He spoke through clenched teeth, then added as an afterthought. "Why didn't they have guns?"

He glanced over the room and thought for a moment. "Bullets are traceable. Knives, not so much. Though, they may risk it next time."

"Who's after you? Why are they after you?"

Toren closed his eyes trying to think more clearly. "Family. My parents left me... a considerable amount of money... I'm not really sure about the details. Caledon knows, but he hasn't given me much of a straight answer."

"Your cousin? We need to take him in then, interrogate him. Get the answers." Alexander grunted and tipped his head back to rest it against the wall.

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