Chapter 16

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Caledon was calling.

He stared hard at the number. He had questions for Caledon, but he didn't know if his cousin would answer them. Not properly.
Now wasn't the time either.

"You okay?" Alexander asked.

He sighed and declined the call. "Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind."

Michael opened his mouth to say something, but simultaneously his own phone began to ring. He let out a huff and looked at it, muttering something about having to take the call. He stood and left the room.

"So, he's been with you this whole time, since the... Incident?" Alexander asked, his gaze following the bear's large form until he was out of sight.


Alexander shook his head slowly. "He's always been overprotective of the people he cares about, but I have to admit, I've never seen him this devoted. I just want you to know that it does make me a little jealous, though I don't expect you to just accept that or do anything about it." He sighed, "I would just like to be like... Super open with you and hope that you can see how much I care about you." He gave a sheepish smile, "I know, it's a bit selfish of me."

Toren sighed, his shoulders slumping as all his energy felt like it was being sucked out of him. "No. I'm the one that's being selfish. I know just telling you to be my friend isn't going to make your feelings go away. I've never had anyone show interest like this in me before. It's overwhelming."

Alexander moved closer to him, leaning forward, resting his forearms on his knees. His playful ebony gaze softened and the light caught his eyes just right, enough for them to look like melting chocolate. A smile warmed his handsome features and his tattoo peeked out from the collar of his jacket.

"I never meant for you to feel this way, I'm sure Michael agrees. I couldn't stop myself from falling for the weird new guy who hacked up a pellet the first time I saw him." There was a teasing quirk to his lips as he spoke. "But I did. I can't stop my heart from racing whenever I see you. I can't stop feeling happy in your presence. All I really want is for you to be happy too, and if that means taking a step back to breathe. Just staying friends. I'm willing to do that. So don't feel guilty for choosing to put yourself first. You have to take care of yourself too. I'd hate for you to just chose one of us on a whim and regret your decision. It would make both you and us unhappy."

Hearing Alexander say that made him feel a little less pressured. Like he could breathe better. It was nice. It was as reassuring as Alexander had meant it to be, so he smiled. He smiled in gratitude. Alexander was so understanding.

Michael came back into the room looking down. He heaved a loud and heavy sigh. "I have to go, the station needs me."

"Alright, we'll get out of your hair. Do you want to come back to my place?" Toren turned his attention to Alexander who smiled and nodded on impulse.

"Yes, let's go."

They got up and Michael stopped them at the door. "Call me if you need anything, and don't strain yourself." Then they went their seperate ways.

Alexander drove them back to Toren's cabin, where they shuffled into the living room.

Toren bent down in front of his pile of stuff, haphazardly mounded together.
He combed his hair back and eyed the pile with disinterest. He never did like moving. It was such a hassle to deal with all of his stuff, not to mention the memories buried in that pile.

"I need to figure out what I have and don't have." He inclined his head towards Alexander, who grinned broadly.

"I see, so you brought me over here to work."

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