2: Back To Chapter One

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Astoria's P. O.V

Held behind a barrier of self-denial that is fed by the deafening beep that has persists its punishing torture on my ears, I refuse to believe the news delivered by the doctor.

"I'm once again sorry for the loss of your father, Mr. and Ms. Santos." And with this final gesture of sympathy, the doctor excuses himself, leaving to grieve in peace.

Xavier instinctively pulls me closer to him, while I clutch his arm still trying to convince myself that I must have misheard the doctor and attribute this to the beeping in my ear.

But the void I feel within me says otherwise. Transported back to the day I returned to cops standing inside my house the day I lost my mum, I find myself standing there again, the physical ache, the mental turmoil, the emotional denial...everything loses meaning in that moment.

I feel my legs moving, my direction directed by Xavier, but aside from that, all I feel once again is numbness.


'That's what I felt the day mum died'

It feels like in just a second the doctor took to break the news, my entire life rewind back to chapter one.

"Astoria?" A gentle voice nudges me out of my flashback.

Blinking back to reality I rub my eyes furiously trying to rid the blurriness, only for another hand to set free my eyes from the torture of my own.

My eyes focused on Xavier who is now crouched down in front of me from my seat on a brown sofa.

"Do you need some water?" He asks, his eyes flashing glimpses of concern, but they don't stay longer a second.

I shake my head negatively, my eyes as forlorn as my mind. And although I can find it in his demeanor or his eyes, I can sense the agony engulfing Xavier...but he makes every attempt to hide it.

'Why does everyone around me keep dying or getting hurt like this?' I can't stop my mind from pondering over the fact.

And even though I don't stand as alone as I did the day I lost mum, I can suppress the desolate flames from burning me from within. Or is it the light red color etched to the flash of my left leg?

I don't know. But as I let my mind venture to its will, I find myself harboring every feeling I felt that day...every feeling, but one; vengeance.

The need for revenge has never plagued my mind more, fueled by rage and determination nothing but retribution will bring me peace.

"Who did this?" I ask in a controlled tone visibly catching Xavier off guard.

"Jason is out of sugary now, the rest are already in his room, we should head there as well," he says blatantly dismissing my question.

"You know who the person responsible for this is, don't you?" I persist, while also letting him guide me towards Jason's room--I need to see that the rest are okay.

He chooses not to say anything this time, which doesn't help much. " Xav, if you do, then it isn't your place to keep it from me," I add in a soft tone, the day's exhaustion slowly catching up with me.

But all this earns me is more silence as we make our way down the busy halls of the hospital with my still clutching his arm as my fear of hospitals creeps its way to the surface of my mind, intensified by the thick bitter smell of antiseptic with a light undertone of an artificial fragrance, citrusy in nature.

"No," I hear him mutter lowly just as we reach the door to room number 407.

I frown and look up at him. "What?" I voice my obvious confusion.

"I don't know who is responsible for this." his admittance visibly hard on his ego. "But rest assured, I will find out, and when I do..." He cuts himself off, holding open the room door for me, before I can add or question anything.

Sheer while. That's the first thing I notice as I walk into the room, every one of my brothers is wrapped in sheer white bandages, leaving just a little of their physic uncovered by them.

My eyes meet each of their own, agony hiding behind impressive shields in every one of their eyes. "Thank God you're alright," Noah sighs, being quick to move from his place on the sofa at the end of the room and pulling me into his arms for a tight hug.

"Have the doctors had a look at the two of you?" Liam questions, suspiciously eyeing the lack of bandages covering Xavier's and my wounds.

"You need to rest," Xavier tells me completely ignoring Liam's concerns while motioning for me to have a seat with the rest.

"That is why I'm here," a very familiar voice remarks from behind me--the beeping in my ears are now at a much softer tone than a few minutes back.

Wiping my head around, I regret the action as soon as I do it as dizziness overcomes me, but Noah acting on impulse saves me from a face-to-face encounter with the cold tiled floor.

"You okay?" He asks, steadying me on my feet and I nod meekly.

"Good," Noah mumbles helping me to a seat on the sofa beside Jack who seems to completely look out of his element while observing complete silence.

"Okay, now I know it's been a long day, but everyone needs to return to your own rooms," Seb--the familiar voice from before--orders in a stern tone.

"We're good right here," Liam replies and all of us nod in agreement--except for Jack who is still lost in his thoughts.

Seb sighs. "Guys all of you need medical attention and rest," he explains, but his words fall on deaf ears.

"We are comfortabl--"

"Seb's right, all of you should get back to your rooms and rest," Xavier cuts Liam off, his tone leaving no room for argument, but that doesn't stop us from silently protecting.

Sighing when all we get from Xavier is a stern look, everyone starts to make their way towards the door, Noah and Liam pecking the crown of my head before doing so.

Jack continues to sit there unmoving staring blankly into space, causing worry to infiltrate my mind. Scooting closer to him I nudge his arms gently.

I get no response. Shifting my eyes to Xavier at this, he mirrors my look of concern while making his way towards us.

"Jack?" He shakes his arms lightly.

No response.

"Hey Jack, buddy can you hear me?" Xavier continues, lightly shaking his arm until finally snapping him out of his daze.

He blinks a couple of times, before scanning the room with an unknown fear before they land on Jason's bed--where he lays unconscious--and he relaxes.

Then his eyes move to me. They stay on me for a few moments before he nods to himself and gets up and exits the room.

With a quick glance, my way Xavier gets up himself and follows Jack out leaving me with just Seb and an unconscious Jason.

I sigh, offering Seb a small smile of greeting before shifting my attention to Jason.

'His skin looks so pale' I observe, visually following the numerous tubes running from his arm back to the machines by his bedside.

"We should get you a room as well," Seb says breaking the silence of the room.

I open my mouth to protest but I don't, completely exhausted by this point. Still a little wobbly on my feet Seb is more than quick to be by my side as an aid, helping me to the door.

"This probably may not be the best timing, but happy birthday querida."

Author's Note:

Hey my lovelies, thanks for your patient wait.

And thanks for reading, I hope you liked this chapter!

Comment your thoughts on it and vote if you enjoyed!

As usual stay happy and safe.


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