5: Little Lady Blue

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For the next few days, I keep a close eye on all and every well-known news outlet, and with every passing day, I can see suspicion turn into facts.

'Someone's targeting crime families'

Refereeing to my family as a crime family still sits oddly with me, but at the end of the day, it is what it is.

The knock of the door snaps me out of my thoughts, I let the person know that they can come in while I try to gather my scattered thoughts.

"Get ready we have to leave in a bit," Xavier steps into sights pushing open the door, his eyes still glued to the phone in his hands.

"Go where?" I frown. He glances at me.

'Am I supposed to know where we are going?'

'Am I forgetting something?'

"I have an important meeting and Noah and Liam are out and won't be back 'till dark," he informs me all while his gaze doesn't leave his damn phone.

"So why do I have to go?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Because I'm not leaving you alone in this house with Jack," he states monotonously and I can understand where he's coming from.

Jack right now is like a ticking bomb. And although he hasn't left his room much the past few days, whenever he has, he has landed himself in violent altercations with the others unprovoked.

"He's channeling his grief into anger and is just looking for something to take it out on"

Dr. Hart is a very proficient psychologist, but although she advised us against doing anything more than being there for him and making sure he comes to every appointment I just feel like this isn't enough.

Jack's on a self-destructive path and there's nothing we can do to put it to a complete stop at once.

"You need to be patient" Her words from my last session with her when I opened up about my concern towards Jack rings in my mind and I sigh.

"I'll be fine, you can go," I tell him. He snaps his gazes to meet mine, tucking his phone into this blazer.

"No," he says with finality in his tone.

"I don't want to leave here," I argue.

But in all honesty, I don't feel comfortable leaving Jack here alone. Only Heaven knows what he might end up doing with no one here to keep a cautious eye on him.

Xavier's eyes bore through mine, and he takes his time studying my gaze. And after a fleeting moment of doing this is gaze softens.

"Don't worry about him, I wouldn't leave him on his own accord in this state," he assures me.

"The Genovese's are expecting us to be there in twenty minutes, be down in five," he adds and I'm too dumbfounded to formulate a reply.

'Say what now?'

My room door shuts, it sounds bouncing off the mauve-tinted walls and rings through my ears pulling me out of my muted state.

'How did Xavier know I was worried to leave Jack by himself here?'

"You're physically incapable of masking your concern towards someone, love, quit trying," I recall Sandro once telling me, heat rushes to my cheeks reminiscing the kisses that were laid ever so gently along the length of my neck just as he told me that.

That was before the incident disrupted everything. Back when dad was in his room right down the hall from mine and Jason helped sneak Sandro in before he had to leave to accompany his dad on some trip.

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