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"Harry Say Da-Da!"


"Okay now say Pa-foo!"



"MOO- EE!"

"Sorry Moony, I am sure he loves you too but just a little lesser than me."

"I think I'll survive."

"Okay Harry now say Ma-Ma!" Sirius encouraged his godson causing Ivy's smile to falter a bit. Ivy didnt know why, but she sharply turned to James and saw he had the same, or maybe even worse reaction, James pursed his lips standing up leaving the room.

Weakly Ivy turned back to the toddler in front of her and saw he didnt say 'Ma-Ma' instead he was looking around searching for someone.

Tears brimmed in Ivy's eyes as she too got up going out seeing James standing at a distance with a sad frown on his face. Not bothering, she rushed to him wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest.

"Its alright, James." She mumbled against him, he just replied by wrapping his arms around her tightly. She heard him sniff. "Harry still thinks.."

She felt a soft pull at the hem of her dress and slightly pulling away from James she saw Harry standing smiling up at her. She quickly picked him up in her arms chuckling tearfully "Harry!"

"Ma-ma!" Harry squealed brightly causing her to halt and stare at him wide eyed. Did he just call me mama!?


"Ma-Ma!" Harry squealed again placing both his tiny hands on either sides of her face causing her lips to quiver and eyes to brim. He was referring her to as his mother! Meanwhile Sirius stood in the background, arms folded and a proud smile on his face.

James stared at the girl in front of him and his son in her arms laughing happily while Ivy cried happily. She was finding joy in being called 'Mama' by Harry, that caused a strange confused smile to form on James' face.

"Da-Da!" Harry squealed telling James to come forward he chuckled going towards his son, Harry looked back at Ivy and smiled squealing again "Mama!"

Sirius exchanged a knowing look with Remus and then looked at James, who looked slightly at unease. But as soon as he locked eyes with Sirius' knowing ones, his mouth parted upon sensing what Sirius was implying on.


"I-I dont know- I mean h-how?" James stuttered badly.

"Do you love Ivy?" Sirius asked sharply. Gaining a nod in a heartbeat from James "Yes, I do."

"Then what's the problem in marrying her!?" Sirius asked simply.

"I think you should give your stupid brain a little rest, Padfoot!" Remus said jumping in the conversation. "Yesterday only, James admitted he loves her-"

"Yes end of story!" Sirius interjected. "They both should marry!"

James sat there stiffly, the picture of his wife again amd again popping in his mind. But Sirius giving all the right arguements was changing his thinking too. His bestfriend was asking him to get married, again. It was not as easy as it sounds. But Sirius saying, Harry will get a loving mother and James will get a loving wife, he'll have a happy family again, and James couldnt find anything wrong in that. But still... What will Ivy think about this!? She will obviously think I am insane. He thought so, but Sirius' mind worked completely differently.

"I dont know what's stopping you Prongs?" Sirius huffed "Ivy is the girl you love, I know Lily will always be special to you, I am not telling you to erase Lily, you'll always have a part of Lily in your life in Harry, all I am telling you is to move on, Its more than six months, you are not that old, you can still get married and have a happy family!- and we all know Ivy is the girl for you!"

"But.. why would she agree to marry me?" James asked slowly. Sirius gave a look saying 'Are you Sirius!?'.

"Because she loves you too! Is that so hard to understand!?" Sirius exclaimed. James sat there looking at Remus, causing Sirius too to look at him intensely. Remus sat straight with a wierd look, "What!?"

"Say something!" Both James and Sirius said in unison but for different reasons. Remus sighed thinking for what felt like ages and in the meantime Sirius hummed his favourite song from the weird sisters.

"So.. I think." Remus began.

"Finally!" Sirius cheered flatly.

"I think James you should marry Ivy." Remus stated simply.

"Seriously!?" James exclaimed.

"Siriusly." Sirius smirked.

"Shut up Padfoot." Remus said sternly causing Sirius to scowl, "But I think what Sirius is saying is right, I mean there's no harm in it, instead the things will get better in a way, you both love each other, and deserve to have a family, so why not?"

James fell into a deep thinking, an unsure anxious feeling filling him, he was not sure, but he couldnt stop himself from thinking the other way too. A small smile formed on his face as he fell into picturing him, Harry and Ivy as a family. A happy, small, loving family. Inhaling sharply he looked back at his friends with the look.

"Okay, but you guys will help me right?"

"Is that even a question? Hell yes! We'll help you!"

"What did I do to get these two as my friends?" Remus shook his head with a smile.


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