17. Damning Conscience

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(Derek's P.O.V)

"He'll pay."

My befuddled mind was still a little high on my accidental-but-not-so-accidental close proximity with Kitkat.

But when I came to, my eyes widened with incredulity.

Tell me she didn't mean what she said!

"Stop right there–"

I turned to Lila as she almost exited and ran after her but the cashier stopped me with a firm tone.

"Sir, you have to pay!"

I froze in my steps and my extended hand the way it happens in movies.

"Lila, I don't have money–"

"Online payment, Derek. It's the 21st century and the digital era." The girl chuckled, undoubtedly having the time of her life and I groaned.

I glanced back at the guy with an uneasy look on my face but he gave me a non-plussed reaction.

Shit, I wasn't getting out of this.

Lila left and I cursed under my breath. Moving back to the cashier, I grumbled, "How much?"

He typed in the computer and stated, "That will be $77.99."

I gave him a look and then again cursed under my breath, running a hand through my hair and taking out my phone. I wasn't exactly angry, I was just....really unwilling to spend, for obvious reasons.

And even in these circumstances, amusement at Kitkat's actions still prevailed.

Once I paid using PayPal, the cashier cracked a cheerful smile.

"Visit again, sir!"

Yeah, I'd don't think I'll be coming here any time soon for fear of revisiting the $77.99 trauma.

Of course I didn't say that.

I simply gave him a brittle smile, suspiciously feeling that he had enjoyed the little show Kitkat and I had unwillingky put on.

When I left, I sighed to myself.

I think I could cry a little.

That was my money! And I didn't spend lavishly damnit!

Kitkat did not play fair.

Well, I didn't either but it was justified.

I was Derek Wayne Greyson.

In the slightly cold weather, I pulled up the hood of my sweatshirt and the streetlight overhead flickered like the dying breaths of a smoker.

I pushed my hands in my pockets and slowly walked, aware that there was no use in trying to hurry up.

If I knew anything about Lila–and I did, at least enough about her behavior with me–it was that she would've rushed to get home and leave me in the dust.

She succeeded but I didn’t feel bad. Though I would have preferred if she hadnt left but that would would be praying for too much.

It was almost like a Cat and Mouse game version 2.0. I somehow knew her leaving me in the dust wasn't a mean act, there was a weird sense of fun in it all.

Thinking back to the moment when I'd been pressed up against her body sent heat traveling up my spine. She really was interesting in all senses. I knew she hid good stuff under her loose clothes but seeing and feeling were two different things.

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