41. One Chance

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(Lila's P.O.V)

"Let me and Derek fight."


I growled, frustrated. "You owe me that much."

"I really don't." Unamused, Diego kept clacking at his computer, compiling reports. His cold demeanear made my insides boil. 

"Don't you dare." I hissed, getting in his face and he sighed. "You lied to me on purpose and I know, I know you have more information about everyone involved with Mellisa's murder but you won't tell me that."

"It's classified information—"

"Diego, please." My softer voice seemed to get me his attention and he looked up at me with his dark brown eyes.

"I never ask you to tell me everything but you knew that Derek and I..." My words caught in my throat. He rose a brow.

"You know we had something going on." I looked away, still unwilling to admit my feelings out loud.

Diego sighed and I straightened, looking at him with unbridled hurt and fury. "I didn't expect it would blow up like this. I'm sorry."

I clenched my jaw and folded my arms across my chest.

His eyes softened. "Lila, he's not a bad kid." He rose his hands, "If he was, I wouldn't have ever let you be with him and you know it."

I did but that justification wasn't enough.

Diego shouldn't care if I was pissed at him or not. If I refused to talk to him.

But I know he did.

When I didn't budge and kept up a silent staring contest, he muttered an explicitve under his breath.

"Alright, what do you want?"

I only let my lips curl up slightly. "Let me and Derek fight."

He was shaking his head even before I started speaking. "No. No way. You do realize that he could uncover your identity, right?"


He gave me an incredulous look. "How?" He parroted before snickering and folding his hands over his chest and leaning back in his chair. "Derek Greyson knows you more than anyone in this town. He observes you like you're the only thing that intersts him. Be it the Wildcat or Lila Smith, he feels drawn to you and he's digging around to know more of your story. To know you."

If he'd noticed these things about Derek then that meant more that I could put into words.

I blinked, my stiff muscles loosening as I processed just what Diego had said. Usually a surly man of few words, he hadn't just broken that taboo but said some really corny shit.

"I heard you guys kissed?" His breezy comment made my eyes snap up towards him and he rose a brow. I remianed silent, giving him answer enough.

I wouldn't bother asking how he knew that.

He chuckled. "He's changed you for the better and I'm indebted to him whether he knows it or not. But Lila, how do you think things will end if you find yourself under him in the ring or with extensive skin to skin contact?"

"I can handle myself." I spoke indignantly.

"The tension between you both is suffocating and he's not looking to fight you for pure intentions. We both know he'd grasp the opportunity most guys lust for with you and he's good enough to make you work for it." 

Diego's voice might be flat but his words packed a punch and I grit my teeth, glaring at him.

Always right. I hate him for always being right.

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