45. High On Emotions

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(Derek's P.O.V)

My Dad's sister, Aunt Mara Garcia, stood with a beaming smile and pulled me into a hug as our families met. I avoided Mom like the plague but I liked Aunt Mara.

Wasn't expecting her though.

Especially, "Where's Cam?"

She laughed, "Outside. Cameron is probably meeting with—"

"Mara!" My Dad swept in and hugged her, cutting her off as they exchanged pleasantries.

I shrugged, having gotten the information I needed anyways. I decided to change my shirt though because I'd been working out when they arrived and I didn't want to stink. Besides, I might go check on Kitkat if given the chance.

Swapping my loose tee for a dark green shirt and light blue denim jeans, I peered into Lila's window to see if I could catch her.

Luckily for me, I saw her clearing up her desk from my vantage point at the window and silently took a moment to see her in her element.

Lila Smith made my heart skip beats and my stomach tilt, anxiety filled me every time we talked and I loved the way her mahogany hair framed her features and her lips parted.

Lips I'd had on mine and would love tasting again.

My phone buzzed and I frowned seeing it was another of the lovely texts from my ex. When I looked back up, Lila was staring down at someone, eyes wide.


The call was full of joy, longing and familiarity.

My eyes flew to follow her line of sight, only to find my cousin standing in front of her gate with a grin on his face.

I frowned, my stomach twisting into knots. And then I made the decision, bolting outside and hoping I'd reach Cam before Lila.

I failed, just so you know.

The Smith's door opened and Lila looked like sunshine was her other name, smiling at Cam before—


She flung herself into his arms, eyes squeezed shut and he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground.

And that's when I knew I was about to punch my cousin.

Not only had Kitkat, my Kitkat, shown positive emotion in bulk towards a handsome male but she'd literally thrown herself at him and considering how hard a time I had getting through to her, this pissed me off.

And didn't our talk on her birthday count for any loyalty? I practically confessed to Lila!

Cam's words carried over to me, "I told you I'd be here after your birthday. Sorry about that though."

Fury and jealousy burned in my gut as I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw. Storming over to the hugging lovebirds with wide smiles, I hoped for some calm.

Acting like lovers reunited in the middle of the road was disgusting.

Okay, fine. I might be overreacting but this is kind of an impulsive reaction right now and I'm also slightly in shock so yeah.

Ending September meant Ladenhill was down on the sunshine and heavier on the clouds. The sun peeked out from behind a cloud and illuminated the two which only fueled my irritation.

Cam let her down but they were still hugging and over the roar in my ears, I couldn't hear their words.

"Alright, that's enough." I growled.

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