Happy Birthday

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I am happy. I can play with my best friend everyday. She's lovely and kind and a princess at heart. Her laughter brings me joy. "Let's play a game!" I say with cheer, she agrees. We play together. Footsteps coming up the stairs. "Claire, who are you talking to?" an adult calls out. I say, "Shh," and hide in the shadows.

Her parents do not know about me. I'm just imaginary they say. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Claire says I'm real. Everyday she's getting bigger, stronger, smarter. We'll play with her toys. We'll eat cupcakes. We'll be best friends forever.

She wants to play a different game. So we play with dollies instead. "It's time for bed!" an adult voice says, I hurry to hide in the closet. Claire laughs, she loves our games. It's time for her to sleep. I never sleep.

Over years that pass, she has gotten so tall, so strong, so smart; it makes me feel proud. But she thinks I'm not real. Just a voice in her head. Her parents take her to the therapy man. He tries to get rid of me. Something scares her. It must be the therapy man. I don't like him or the man with the crucifix. They are evil.

Claire ignores me. She says I'm ruining her life. Not to me, to no one. She doesn't believe in me anymore. I look in the vanity mirror, catching a glimpse of my red eyes, my chiseled horns. Today is her birthday. She's thirteen now. I draw my knife. I know what I must do.

This is what happens to little girls who grow up.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/30m5lj/happy_birthday/

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