Clown doll

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I think we all know this one.

A teenage girl was babysitting a few kids for some extra money. The parents told her that once the children were in bed she could watch t.v. in the study.

So she put the kids in bed and went to the study and about 20 minutes later she hears the kids laughing.

She goes to their room and it turns out they were just laughing at some little clown doll.

So she put the kids back to sleep and went back to the study. When she walked in she found the clown doll in the desk chair. She thought the kids were just playing a prank on her so she goes back to the kids room.

The girl asks all the kids if they put the doll in the chair and of course they all say no.

She brushes it off and goes back to watch t.v. and the clown is still there.

Its just staring at her with the creepy clown face. It was about three to four feet tall and looked very realistic.

She calls the children's father and says " Can I watch television down stairs? This creepy clown doll is really creeping me out."

The father says " Get the kids call the police and go to the neighbors house!"

The is confused " Why?" she asks.

"We don't have a clown doll! The kids have been telling us about a clown watching them at night and we didn't believe them."

The girl calls the police and brings the kids to the neighbors house.

When the police came, they said a midget dressed as a clown had been hiding in their house for a few weeks. He had no where else to stay and he would watch the children as they slept.

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