Bed Time

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You've been up all night writing a report. Work has been so tiring and stressful. You fell asleep on your computer, drooling on the keyboard.
Someone wakes you up. It's your boyfriend.
" Come on, you have work tomorrow. You need the sleep." he says.
Not being fully awake, you get out of your chair and he puts you in bed.
"I need to save my essay," You said sluggishly.
"Don't worry I'll take care of it." He strokes your hair. " I'll take care of you."
You didn't hear exactly what he said. You were to sleepy to even care. He walks across the room and turns off the light, then crawls in bed with you.
He hugged you tight. Very tight.
You started drifting asleep, then someone knocked on your bedroom door.
It was only you and your boyfriend living in the house.
" Hey babe, are you asleep?" You hear your boyfriends voice from the other side of the door.
And all of a sudden your wide awake.

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